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I’ve loved tingle, I’ve read most of his Asexual stories (which do a great job of both portraying ace and satirizing/joking around with it) and also Straight. I gotta say though, while Straight was an enjoyable read, it wasn’t really good as far as being a horror novel went. But that’s fair for the guys first try, and I’m interested to see what his next “serious” offering reads like


Living under capitalism is living under the yoke of devils. You cannot escape them, and you sometimes make deals with them, whether because you have to, or you think the deal will work out for you. But that doesn’t mean you should love the devils, and if you can get away from them you should.

Yeah, most people’s phones or shoes or whatever probably have some dirty pasts, but that doesn’t mean we should just give up on making any kind of good or moral choices. We’re locked into capitalism, and we will have blood on our hands whether we are aware or not, but using that as an excuse to give up on trying to do better is not a coherent moral position.

I think there’s a significant difference between “any shoe I try to buy is shady, and if a wholesome option even exists it is incredibly hard to find/buy/pricey”, and “sure Amazon workers literally die in warehouses, but next day shipping on my random knickknacks is soooo convenient!”

There exists real and valid use-cases for prime, as several other people in this thread have expressed. But just shrugging and saying “eg whatever” because you want to save $1 on random junk isn’t one of them.


I was making an account to play Command & Conquer: Renegade. The NOD team had a unit called the Chem Warrior that shot liquid tiberium like a flame thrower, thought it was super cool. Don’t remember how I ended up on Slayer instead, but it stuck


+1 for connect, I was originally on Jerboa but it crashed so dang often. I like that switching accounts is easy, makes it a breeze to have my general interests Beehaw account and my niche interests account and swap between them


I love RimWorld, and I love DRM-free, but RimWorld on GoG is a mistake.

Instead, buy RimWorld directly from Ludeon. Then you get both DRM-free files from them (to enjoy in the fallout bunker), AND a steam key (so that you can easily enjoy the metric boatloads of modding content on the steam workshop).


Slay the Spire is a classic, it’s all turn based, playing is easy but mastering it is a deep skill if that’s something you’re into.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a cool CRPG, the exploration is real-time and it switched to turn based for combat. Very big and large, and you can spend a lotta time running around learning lore rather than fighting if that’s what you like.

Persona 5 Royal is a dream, again turn-based fighting, cute characters and story, very anime. Also long (took me like 90 hours) but never feels drawn-out.

If you like board games, I’ve recently got the Aeons End digital adaptation, and that’s a lotta fun. It’s co-op, but you can play “two-handed” (aka control 2 people) and it works pretty flawlessly, and the app is very good. If you really wanna be ambitious you can even play up to 4-handed, but I feel like that’s too much brainpower for any sane person lol


I’d hope so. Unlike digital implementations, TTS is literally just the same board game, but on a digital space. Scripting etc can help, but it’s still the same at the end of the day. I don’t count digital apps in my board game tracking app, but I do count plays on TTS, as they really are just the same thing, different place


I feel like this is already filled by “Local” view. It’s how I use Beehaw, as my “front page” filled with random nonsense and news, and then I have another instance account that I use for my niche interests


I live in a co-op, we currently have two houses but we unfortunately rent both from landlords. We’re hoping to eventually buy properties, either our current ones or something else, but it’s very hard with the current market and of course the fact that most of us aren’t very high-earners to begin with.

With $100M, screw buying, I am getting a custom designed and built co-op! Features like industrial kitchen, many varied common spaces, and just being able to own our property and be saved from the landlord rent greed. I have to imagine I’d have plenty of money left after, but this is the top of my list for sure


IMO two different things can make a game heavy, and having either is enough even if you don’t have both.

First, is complication of decisions. This is the classic “heavy” angle, how much thinking you have to do each turn to execute your strategy.

Second, is the actual meta aspects, such as rules, or pieces, or setup. A game that is literally heavy by weight is highly likely to be heavy, especially if combined with lots of rules or pieces or exceptions. Even if the turn-to-turn is relatively simple, the act of setting everything up and having to learn & remember a whole slew of rules can make a game heavy
