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I curate my feed pretty often so I might be able to help.

The first, and easiest, thing to do is to tell Youtube you aren’t interested in their recommendations. If you hover over the name of a video then three little dots will appear on the right side. Clicking them opens a menu that contains, among many, two options: Not Interested and Don’t Recommend Channel. Don’t Recommend Channel doesn’t actually remove the channel from recommendations but it will discourage the algorithm from recommending it as often. Not Interested will also inform the algorithm that you’re not interested, I think it discourages the entire topic but it’s not clear to me.

You can also unsubscribe from channels that you don’t want to see as often. Youtube will recommend you things that were watched by other people who are also subscribed to the same channels you’re subscribed to. So if you subscribe to a channel that attracts viewers with unsavory video tastes then videos that are often watched by those viewers will get recommended to you. Unsubscribing will also reduce how often you get recommended videos by that content creator.

Finally, you should watch videos you want to watch. If you see something that you like then watch it! Give it a like and a comment and otherwise interact with the content. Youtube knows when you see a video and then go to the Channel’s page and browse all their videos. They track that stuff. If you do things that Youtube likes then they will give you more videos like that because that’s how Youtube monetizes you, the user.

To de-radicalize your mom’s feed I would try to

  1. Watch videos that you like on her feed. This introduces them to the algorithm.
  2. Use Not Interested and Don’t Recommend Channel to slowly phase out the old content.
  3. Unsubscribe to some channels she doesn’t watch a lot of so she won’t notice.

You are an omniscient and all powerful God.

You create someone who is tortured and killed in a war at the age of 2.

You are a benevolent God because you helped that person experience the full spectrum of what life has to offer.

The 2 year old did not acknowledge your supreme authority because you did not give it a developed brain to grasp the concept and so they burn in hell for eternity, never able to fully comprehend what happened to them. Their entire existence is one of suffering and unexplainable agony.

You are a benevolent God.


“You’re not allowed to have that body here! And if you stay out in the sun too long your babies will come out gay. Also your ankles make you look like a slut.”

Ahh, I miss the good old days.


I put that /s because sometimes when people get emotionally worked up they can lose critical thinking skills and think my poor taste dank memes are actually sincere douchebaggery.


Remember when Google hired brilliant, talented engineers to build quality products?

Those were the days.


They claimed it was the body of an IDF soldier!

Look at her. She’s clearly not a soldier. She’s small and slight. Female soldiers are going to have a lot more muscle. She’s also a tattoo artist from fucking Germany she is going to have a different accent, language, reaction, and understanding of the situation. The soldier will know why and how to wait for rescue. This woman is probably completely disoriented and has no idea what her options are.


Seems like the easiest way to get into a really good school would be to sue, whip up a media frenzy, and frame it through a feminist lens. Write an essay about overcoming adversity by standing up for what is right, no matter the cost.

BOOM easy admissions.


I have one dream for Linux. I’m a huge OSS fan and I want to see it thrive.

I think Microsoft should partner with Oracle to make Oracle Linux 9 support all the Microsoft ecosystem. I want AD in Linux. I want Microsoft Word on Linux. Oracle Linux 9 is the obvious successor to RHEL and Microsoft has an opportunity here to build something great.

Lmao just kidding


Don’t dismantle it. Launch an investigation, bring charges, publicize the trial, convict the officers, and lock them up.


Boss: kids your age are so incredibly arrogant. You think you deserve the world.

Me: we are the same age.

Boss: huh

This actually happened.


I looked this shit up.

From https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/08/gavin-newsom-california-insulin-bill-35-dollar-cap which is a better article than the AP one,

“With CalRx, we are getting at the underlying cost, which is the true sustainable solution to high-cost pharmaceuticals,” Newsom wrote in a message explaining why he vetoed the bill on Saturday. “With co-pay caps however, the long-term costs are still passed down to consumers through higher premiums from health plans.”

So there’s a state backed insulin manufacturer he thinks will drive down prices. He thinks if you were to force insurance companies to bring down the price of insulin then they’d push the price back into consumers through higher costs elsewhere.
