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Judge is master at this type of commentary. Beavis and butthead was making fun of how stupid the MTV audience was. The same audience that adopted and Beavis and Butthead just as fast as it was incepted.

King of the hill is the ultimate “Steven Colbert is a sincere conservative show.” In king of the hill Hank is a nieve Texan that buys into every bullshit “American exceptionalism” type idealogy there is. He then humanizes him and shows how every single time Hank is returning to “American values” he’s just being nieve and if he were born anywhere else he would be just as liberal as he is a “conservative.”


Phone. Internet. I guess you could always attach your ethernet strait into the red beans and rice.

Car payment…




Each one of these things is it’s own commentary, that is all. Judge obviously wasn’t doing cohesive world building; he was just squeezing together all the commentary he has on why people are hypocritical idiots. All the way down the the eugenics bit.

Since that’s where the conversation started, let’s go to eugenics first. I would wager the writer has expienced the ‘cautious successful people’ with no kids trope a million times in real life and in his very successful career. He made it his own when he contrasted it with the Jerry Springer types; which was very culturally dominant at that time. Yes, we look at it today and only see the problematic eugenics message; but I imagine the writers regret when he sees the most intelligent, affectionate, people he knows never being able to do what the dummy’s on Springer find all to easy.

The writers world is one on the brink of collapse. All because technology was so advance it was self sustaining, at least for a time. The excess it provided made society’s need for education, social structure, and governance evaporate. The time leading up to when Not Sure showed up could have been a cultural revolution of art and space exploration but instead was plagued with reality TV, fart humor, and fast food. All things that were dominating the culture when the writer wrote the script. Taken to the most extreme, focus on making more Gatorade then could ever be consumed would be in line with societies priorities at the time.

Finally, Not Sure becoming president was a simple, funny, way to advance the story. It would be unkind for the author to make all this commentary without giving the audience a polite instruction that could help circumvent our tragic future. That comment being, just feed the plants water. Meaning stop with the idiocy. You don’t have to listen to the, “smartest man in the world” because Not Sure was just an ordinary 20th century guy and even he knew that plants need water.


In America centrist are just gullible people who think things like, “the economy is better under a republican.” Without ever realizing the economy they experience is the one that has been reigned in by a democrat which will then be let loose again by a republican just in time for a democrat to regain office.

They say shit like, “I error on the side pro-life when it comes to abortion.” Acting like they were being humane when the real humane thing would be to prevent the suffering of both the mother and the child by building social structures that protect the poor. Things like universal healthcare, universal income, mandatory maternity leave, etc.

Centrist believe the middle ground is if you listen to everyone in earnest then judge based on that. Never seeing that these truths they trust in are never the reality. The reality being is that things are very complicated and if you want to parse out your ideology you’ll have to do more than read the headline.


It may never happen but don’t give up on the fact that it could happen. We make up what is the collective consciousness of all civilization. Just as we thought pot would never be legal there was enough people who said it should be. One day you might wake up and the work we did in shaming the owner class, the robber barons, will be a reality.


Patriotism is loving your country by loving its foundation. It’s people. Loving your neighbor. Loving your brothers and sisters. I feel no love from the GOP.


While there is some credence to this example, we all know chemistry does not work like this. For example, H2O, very good, essential for all life. H2O2, not so much.


He right I ded a mef ones time only and my brain brokeded


If they are flat out denying it you know it’s 100% the plan. They won’t negotiate on it, so better to just avoid the topic entirely. Look at our crunchwrap supreme court justices, and how they flatly denied intent to do away with Roe. It’s not that the plan isn’t the plan, it’s that no one gets to have any say in the plan so why bother. “The base” already has internalized lying as some sort of 3d chess shit so they won’t ever call you on it. The rest will be pleasantly unsurprised; and the media will start talking about that time Obama wore a brown suit while eating brown mustard.
