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I find myself in a bind trying to give you an answer, which is why it’s taken so long to get back to you. Of course I could simply ignore your request and move on, but I don’t think that would solve or progress anything.

The first difficulty is I don’t know where to start with my answer. But maybe first, let me answer some concerns you’ve brought up in the past. I’ve seen comments from you here and there before that you weren’t sure if you were allowed to edit the CPUSA page, as in if your account would be banned for it or your edits reverted.

I’m not sure where those concerns come from, as your account hasn’t had any ban or other restrictions placed on it and we’ve never banned anyone for editing a page. This is something I want to point out before I give a proper answer to the comment above; it’s a bit difficult to move forward with someone when they go around claiming things that won’t happen but giving the impression that they will happen. This is something that, in my opinion, should have been brought up to the admin- or editorship directly to receive a clear answer instead of letting hypotheses and what-ifs fester for weeks and months.

This is the bind I find myself in and why it took me so long to reply and I think I can only give you a proper admin-to-editor reply if I acknowledge and bring up this point. On the one hand, as an admin [of ProleWiki] I can’t easily take sides against editors and I try to defend and support all our editors as much as possible so they get their due process. On the other, I think you’ll agree that your fondness for CPUSA is well-known and that our page on CPUSA is not the most complimentary.

On paper, there’s nothing preventing you from editing any pages as you have an account on ProleWiki. We don’t prevent anyone from editing any page and committing their edit. In practice though, this is just my own individual answer. The reality of it will depend on what the editorship thinks about an edit – any edit. We often come back to editing even longer pages, if only to clarify the wording, or sometimes even change entire paragraphs to give a different meaning. We’re having huge conversations on our naming conventions currently for example, and especially relating to “Israel”.

So the best answer I can give you is as a facilitator, which is what the administration of ProleWiki is. I know who has contributed to the CPUSA page the most and I know where they want to take it, so I can give you advice and suggestions. Beyond that, I can give you a clear list of your permissions on ProleWiki (same as any other editor currently) to help you form a decision. But this is only my personal suggestions, and I can’t predict how the editorship reacts to an edit with 100% certainty. This response belongs to them, and our task as admins is not necessarily to prevent a response from happening. Likewise, my suggestions are not orders or conditions; your decision to edit the page (or not) belongs to you, I can only help inform you so you can make a decision with all the facts in your hand.

What I would suggest is to first use the talk pages to talk about what you want to add to the article, running it by the editorship first. I would also advise against removing anything on the page but rather only adding content to it. Lastly, please note that we require all claims to be sourced since early 2024 when committing an edit, otherwise it might be reverted.

And I think that’s my complete answer to remove as much doubt and opaqueness as possible. I could have simply said “you’re free to edit the page”, but I don’t think it would have achieved any progress or mutual understanding.


Lol I wish. If you listen to twitter we’re absolutely terrible, no redeeming qualities, nothing worth engaging with, but they never say why. And when you eventually ask them they fall completely silent and just ignore the question. It’s maddening if only because you want some honest and sincere criticism and for them to actually back up their claims, but they will never do that and instead keep saying whatever they feel like saying at the moment with no principles or discipline behind it. Complete liberals that call themselves communists.

On the edits themselves we are getting some edits on tendencies and sometimes countries, but still very few. Most contributions are corrections in the form of fixing typos, resourcing, updating pronouns, titles or tenses, etc. Mostly clerical stuff if you can call it that. Which is still valuable of course, but it highlights that the proposed edits to tendencies (such as maoism or leftcommunism) are still very much a minority.


Also les camarades francophones vous devriez rejoindre l’instance française de ProleWiki on cherche du monde.


I think it’s the one with the best line currently in France but I also heard that they use French flags in protests and marches, what’s up with that?

My litmus tests for parties are how they see themselves as relating to the proletariat, their line on LGBT issues, their line on China, and finally their position on decol if they are a colonizer. PRCF is good on China and LGBT, didn’t find much about decol and the little I did find was a little eyebrow-raising but requires more investigation.


I originally read your comment as “biggest” thread, but I can’t delete or edit lol.


I like that votes are turned off tbh, we should keep that as a feature after the bug is fixed.


There’s bigger :P

You can sort by “most comments” on the homepage


Kind of early capitalism, but also its own creation that has no historical basis and very little material basis. Even just looking at the game without trying to find any parallels in the real world, it’s very constrictive how families in the game will do exactly one job and nothing else even as they starve to death lol

Still waiting for that historical materialism sim :(
