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I wholeheartedly agree with this one. It’s also still semi funny referring to them as basically trashcans. But I think as a new user it is just way more streamlined and sensible than calling them “magazines”. When I read that first I just could think of like paper magazines and thought they’d be some sort of editorial content, which is highly misleading. Calling them “bins” just makes way more sense and sort of adds to the brand of the platform.


The problem is that every “magazine” or “community” or whatever you want to call them (each one using a different name is also a bit of an issue) is part of their own decentralized network. Yes, you might be able to read them from other services, but it still causes a lot of fragmentation. For example when I look into something akin to a news sub for international news, I find worldnews@lemmy.ml as well as news@beehaw.org. Both basically do the same thing topically, but both have different submitted content, different users, and oddly in this case even the same owner.

This now begs the question for me as a user: Which one do I subscribe to if I want to stay informed? An article on one side could be submitted or gain traction when it does not on the other. But subbing to both could lead to a lot of duplicate articles being fed to me.

I think this is a huge issue in the whole design philosophy of the fediverse that will hamper the growth of those services. Deciding where to make an account might be something a new user gets around to, but being then confronted by this is very quickly going to turn away the absolute majority of potential users. There needs to be at least a little bit centralization to form major default communities that at least start as a gathering hub for new people. If there’s issues with them then people can still create alternatives if the user numbers are high enough, but in its current form I’d have to decide between several places that are essentially the same thing.


People film everything those days, freaking rainbows caused by their sprinklers in their backyards, but absolutely not some 3 meter sized aliens that somehow vanish without being seen by anyone else or even the original reporter.


I had the same thought here: https://kbin.social/m/linux@lemmy.ml/t/9828/uhhh-what-do-I-call-the-subreddits#entry-comment-42869

B sounds like a sensible solution to the issue, but maybe not so much in a thing that communities “join”, but rather “connect” to. The former sounds like a centralized thing that has to be hosted somewhere, the latter being something that exists purely through the communities that are part of it. However, I suspect this needs to be a feature within the actual fediverse type protocol that all those instances (including Mastodon) use, to make this an actual possibility.


Things would definitely be better overall if more people had a spine to stand by their principles, or have some in the first place.


Meanwhile the UI in this post has a relevant mind on its own due to the load issues.
It just collapsed the main content area and expanded the sidebar after a long load time, which couldn’t fetch any of the images.

Edit: Also, what is the best place to make suggestions instead of reporting actual issues?


Not much. There’s so much mod & admin abuse nowadays that I developed kind of a resentment. On top of that there’s a lot of rude or downright hateful user behavior that seems to not just not get punished, but in some cases even encouraged. The only thing that lets me endure it for now is simply the community relevant content. As for kbin it needs exactly that. More users and content. Functionality of the site is good enough to be usable for me and will surely also improve but we really need the people and content to bring everything together.


Honestly can’t say I care at this point. I rather want Reddit to burn to the ground so that we get some real improvements on other platforms. From the admins to the mods to the users, the platform is just so rotten at this point that it takes most of the fun out of it.


Bullshit moderation.
Reddit was so full of hateful shit. Reddit’s AEO (Anti Evil Operations, basically the admins personal “mod team”, probably outsourced to some country with lacking English skills) would continue to tell me that the most blatant hateful comments do not violate Reddit’s ToS. Meanwhile, you get (perma) banned for the most ridiculous & mundane things at times, like saying that a fascist Italy should get kicked out of the EU & NATO. Apparently this is considered “spreading hate” and they even denied my appeal, explaining that both institutions require the members to be democratic. Meanwhile all the racism on subs like /r/europe would go unpunished. I also tried to report similar comments to mine as hate, but containing less popular countries like Turkey, and unsurprisingly they also didn’t see it as hate.

Getting harassed by other users that reply on all your comments & follow you around? Nope, no violation.
Questioning the title & picture relation of a governmental account? Apparently harassment / bullying worth a 7 day ban.
Calling out dehumanization? Perma ban in a sub.
Perma ban in a sub? Perma ban in another sub for complaining about it, for “ban evasion”.
Speaking out against predatory monetization methods & FOMO tactics in modern video games? Getting attacked & insulted by users and consequently perma banned for being “an asshole troll” - none of the attacks & insults were removed, let alone punished.

What isn’t a violation? Racism, transphobia, homophobia, calls for violence, etc.
In regards to big hate subs it is also mostly the case that Reddit only goes and does something against them when there’s some sort of media attention around it. When it directly affects their potential income. Maybe if advertisers start to complain about it.

The enforcement of the rules is so random at this point that I don’t even know what one is allowed to say, or why I even should care about accounts and the platform as a whole. I understand that moderation of big platforms is not an easy task, but one surely can do better than whatever the hell Reddit is doing nowadays.

In regards to specifically Lemmy I would say they aren’t up to a good start with the controversial admin team and their extremist views.


I think Facebook & Zuckerberg can go fuck themselves.
