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What’s the point

as with most political banners, internet ultras points, attention from the press and “credibility” for “defending their values”.
Extensive media coverage of every single controversial banner and internet hooliganism have made it so that even the shittiest and tiniest ultra group can make a 20€ banner to go viral amongst circles that cover stadium politics and, if it’s bad or controversial enough, even beyond that to the point where things make it to, say, big newspapers or reddit.
All this does bring the group a lot of visibility and “”““positive””“” coverage hence the reason why you’re constantly reading about this type of banner made by ultras groups from plastic clubs who are starved for any bit of attention and respect.

Also the left has basically fled the stands in droves between the 70s and 90s all over Europe, there’s a few exceptions but most of these people genuinely hold these beliefs so writing them out for the world to see is kind of a win-win to them


thanks for the kind words!

As for the derbies, I think that statement does somewhat ring true even today but by comparison we’ve been in a sort of enlightened era since the 90s with cups, european football and even scudetti. By most firsthand accounts and most of my research, people used to say and actually mean it much more around between the 60s and Viola’s presidency when there literally wasn’t anything else to play for other than dodging relegation, most notably as Anzalone’s rometta. The mid 70s in particular were wild, by the time Lazio was banished to the curva nord Rome was one of the hearts of the ultras movement and most of our seasons revolved around whether we could Lazio on or off the pitch, preferably both, and mostly, so did Lazio’s when they weren’t too busy shooting each other or playing in Serie B. I personally can’t stand them but while these derbies sound crazy I’m somewhat glad we’re both bigger clubs now


Se avessi dovuto parlare in modo dettagliato dei problemi giudiziari di ogni squadra avrei dovuto fare un post chilometrico a parte ma non so quanto interessi alla gente che Viola ha provato a pagare un arbitro di coppa nell’anno della finale. Su calciopoli ho provato ad essere più breve possibile ed è lì perché più o meno “apre” tutto il processo che ha portato agli scudetti un po’ come lo chiude specularmente il caso plusvalenze (lo schema è circa scandalo-retrocessione/anni di merda-scudetti-anni di circa merda-scandalo).


they were promoted to 4th because Juve got penalized


Banning their tifo was fucking moronic but that’s Rome’s DIGOS and their schizo MO .

As for the rest, they’ve spent a day or so acting like morons while walking around escorted by riot police for internet hooligan clout points, throwing random shit at a family sector and stealing a fan club’s banner from an old dude and his wife isn’t even ultras behavior, it’s straight up pathetic
