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New leamurs, if you’re looking around and feeling lost or disappointed, don’t give up on Lemmy just yet.

Numbers are growing fast, apps are getting better by the day, and the fediverse is even more diverse than Reddit

If you’re looking for a starting place…

  1. <Lemmy.world> is the biggest and most neutral server. It’s got lots of content, although discussion about the future is dominating the conversation, so you’re going to see the same posts at the top if you don’t change the sorting algorithm. People are up for a friendly debate, but it stays civil. Moderation is good, occasionally you’ll see removed comments but you’re not likely to run into it unless you’re being an ass

  2. <Sh.itjust.works> is big and full of shitposts. They’re trying out direct democracy… In theory (not a week in and the admin called for a second vote against defederating exploding.heads…i think being very conservative with defederating is good, but it doesn’t show a ton of commitment to the idea). It’s pretty wild over there, but not in a bad way

  3. <Pawbs.social> furries are always a big presence among early adopters, and they’re really welcoming. They don’t care if you’re a furry so long as you don’t judge them, and I’ve always found them welcoming

  4. <Beehaw.org> is what I’d describe as a safe space. Highly moderated, strict codes of conduct…I can see the value in it, but that kind of vibe makes me uncomfortable. It makes me feel like everyone is on edge, waiting for the next fight. A lot of little like it though, more power to them I guess

And obviously we know why we’re here.

Despite what people say about it not mattering where you go, it definitely does matter. Account switching is the one feature every app prioritized - I’d use it until you find a home. Personally, I’m going to start looking for a smaller instance, I think it’s important for the fediverse to grow, but I like the feel of the Internet back in high school when it was just getting big, when you made an effort to connect because there were so few people on any given social media

No matter what it is you’re looking for, you can find it or build it here - and because of the structure of it, no one can take it from us as long as the dream stays alive


I think this is incredibly important, in some ways this instance in particular, but no one can ask for more from you

Nothing to apologize for - you’re not leaving everyone high and dry, you’re hanging in there and working through what sounds like a personally difficult transition.

So I’ll just say this: thank you for taking the responsibility thrust on you with due seriousness. Most people don’t understand the importance of community, and what we owe to it.

When you hand it over, do it knowing your part is done, fully and completely.

And if you need to step away, step away - do the exchange from a distance, and if things fall through and no one you trust is there to take it, that’s okay too.

I think there’s a certain amount of responsibility when you find yourself at the center of something, but that responsibility only goes so far - if you need to step down and the community won’t step up, that’s not on you


It’s not just content though, essentially it’s bots.

The problem with bots isn’t just spam, a social network is defined by the interaction among the community…I think that’s a fair call.

I might be up for having unscripted LLMs on the network, but repost bots are like a weird smell… It’s not that big a deal individually, but it’ll make the community noticably worse


Are those the people who have apple like a 99% satisfaction rating, and gave themselves a 95% one? I think I heard of them on Linus tech tips LMAO


Oh, there’s always a deal, at least for him. The rules do not apply evenly to start with, and even though he’s not that rich, he’s still part of the aristocracy.

Even though he broke all sorts of laws that contain the words “betrayed your nation to foreign adversaries”, started a sloppy coup last time he lost an election, and basically bragged about it in between perjuring himself, the best solution for everyone is for him to quietly fade into irrelevance.

It’s always better not to make a martyr if you can help it, it just isn’t worth it

Plus, the cruelest punishment I can think of is letting him use up the last couple years of his charismatic energy out of the public eye, so when he inevitably comes back he’d reveal himself to be the rambling dementia patient he’s been for a while.

And I don’t mean that as an insult - read his speeches. His delivery is amazing. Take that away and just read them (especially from the most recent ones), and even if you realized he was spewing word salad it’s still shocking


To your point, they published a method that could be replicated in less than a week in basically any college or lab in the country.

Fraud makes little sense here - this screams exuberance to me


You have a point, but it’s kind of like people who resist all gun control due to the second amendment despite the shootings going on

Yeah, if life continues on as-is, the argument has little merit. On the other hand, in the case of the second amendment, we have fascists making a credible move for control.

In the case of archiving DRM content, if we have a cataclysm (which seems increasingly likely), then having drm-free, ideally unencrypted, content sitting on random hard drives might end up making an enormous difference in a lot of lives

Or even without a cataclysm, just general enshittification might end up destroying the gaming and media industries - passed around old games might be the seed for the next generation of tech-heads. I started my path by jailbreaking my PSP so I could use custom web browsers and homebrew - spreading these after the Internet is locked down by efforts like kosa and WEI (and whatever comes next) might be the spark that motivates the next generation


Is it though? That amount of money is meaningless to a company, which Linus loves to talk about these days.

The problem is, he shit all over a startup company, failed to return the prototype after multiple requests, then when called out on it offered to pay for it and phrased his response to make it seem like he hadn’t spent months ghosting them until another YouTuber brought attention to the issue.

Shitting on it - fine, he’s extremely harsh every time it’s brought up, but he can have his own opinion. I think it’s a bad take, he doesn’t even entertain the idea that they might lower the price, improve it to work on multiple models, or maybe this fits a high end niche for PC ricing - it sounds impractical now, but maybe a few sales would be enough for them to make a more practical version

But whatever, I can get over that. The fact that he didn’t say “we had some miscommunication in my team, this is our bad, we’re having growing pains and I never would have sold it if I knew they wanted it back. We reached out to them to make them whole, but we’ll do better” is pretty incriminating.

That’s not owning up to their mistakes - either they knowingly ignored requests to give it back, which is fucked up, or someone made a mistake and he made excuses instead of owning up to it, and tried to quietly bury the problem and fire back on the guy who called them out


Why? It’s easy to get a list of federated servers, in JSON no less. In an afternoon I could build a tool to block them as they come, testing included


The big deal is they didn’t admit to having accidentally auctioned it (the alternative is they knowingly did so despite requests to return it), and in the same breath talked about how they offered recompense (implying that it came before the video calling them out when it didn’t), and firing back on justified criticism as if they’re the victim

Oh, and all while claiming they own up to their mistakes even in the face of consequences.

They bulldozed a smaller company without a hint of empathy. He doesn’t consider that maybe the price could have come down or the performance (when properly used) would be worth it to a small segment of overclockers - even in the supposed mia culpa Linus takes several shots at the product he basically buried
