You’re following the Unix philosophy.
Sorry for the bad link, I will be more careful for the next time.
In the official website, the glibc page was updated with a new glibc layer. You can also check if you have “nouveau” drivers for Nvidia.
Its possible to install glibc on Alpine. https://hatchjs.com/alpine-linux-install-full-glibc/
The Alpine simplicity is attractive, but I failed to install it while keeping my /home partition. Setting this manually is beyond my skills.
Personnaly I don’t need to manipulate windows with Bspwm. How they spawn is fine for me.
I don’t use i3 because windows spawns in such a layout that force to use shortcuts for changing the layout. Bspwm displays everything in nice rectangles.
To start apps you can keep an application menu in your bar, such as Whisker menu, or the KDE bar, while having a tiling window manager, so you can run apps with mouse clicks. And after the spawn you should not need to manipulate them if you use more automatized tiling WM such as Bspwm or Xmonad.