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Another traveler of the wireways.

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This headline and article are begging to be in c/NotTheOnion, yeah.

My Christian nationalist flag has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my flag.


Thanks for added background! I haven’t been monitoring this area very closely so wasn’t aware, but I’d have thought a publication that has been would then be more skeptical and at least mention some of this, particularly highlighting disputes over the efficacy of the Glaze software. Not to mention the others they talked to for the article.

Figures that in a space rife with grifters you’d have ones for each side.


It’s genuinely such a relief to get your ear cleaned out when it gets all plugged up, undoubtedly more so when it’s hurting. I once had something similar happen somehow, just without as much of the pain. It started getting harder to hear out of one of my ears, and although I tried to rinse it out, it didn’t seem to help and I didn’t want to fucking pierce my ear drum trying something stupid. I held off but it got to the point that not only was I having trouble hearing out of the ear, my balance was being impacted.

I had started to notice I felt kinda wobbly, and so I was finally like fuck it, doctor time. Go to doctor, nice lady does like the doc in the OP poking a camera in, then has some other guy come in and he’s like, “You’ll wanna tilt your head to the side for this,” as he holds a small bucket to the side, below my head. Gets basically a spraybottle with some special ear-nozzle or whatever, squirts a warm stream of some solution (think it was carbamide peroxide) into my ear and dislodges this big ol’ glob of earwax that had inexplicably managed to build up in my ear despite me not wearing earbuds/headphones often.

I glanced at that poor little bucket now full of this nasty ass archipelago of earwax and felt fuckin’ great. Cost me a bit, but the doc saved me for the future telling me about some off the shelf stuff to help avoid a return visit.

If you’ve never had this done before but have been congested, and briefly cleared your nostrils with a good blowing of your nose or something, it’s like that but so much better because your ears getting plugged up sucks so much more.


I understand the sentiment, but as others have noted in similar threads…Threads like this tend to become a part of the mess being criticized.

To counteract this trend, posting just about anything else would go towards addressing the expressed criticism.


Piracy isn’t piracy when it’s no longer sold.


Original article:

It’s pretty clear to me Biden’s trying to thread the needle on this in a gruesome way. The argument seems to follow the form of: civilian deaths are collateral damage, this is unfortunate but this is war and they are not purposely being targeted and so this is not genocide.

However that almost willfully ignores the denial and blocking of aid to the same affected civilians, which is a deliberate action that despite the cover story being to prevent it reaching Hamas, falls entirely flat as regardless, it results in direct suffering and death of the civilians. I say almost because some small efforts have been made to push back against the denial of aid, but as is evident to anyone monitoring the situation, these efforts are all far too small to address the widespread suffering and death of the Gazan people.

This whole semantics game around genocide is simply disgusting. You know those in government know exactly what people mean when they’re calling it that, they want an end to the killing and an end to the deaths of civilians, whether from military strikes or denial of aid.


“lemmy show u more memes”


Get a mirror that doubles as a sort of magnifier to view the area around your nose closely & carefully. You’re looking for seams around the nose with which to gain leverage to gently pry off the nose to get better access to the nostrils within & beneath. Once the nose has been popped off your face, you can rinse both it and the exposed nostrils out with some warm water, which should get rid of the dry, compacted mucus.

You may want to take a soft, thin brush while you’re at this for a more thorough clean. Once both the removed nose and exposed nostrils are cleared to your satisfaction, realign your nose with the seams you found at the start and gently squeeze & press your nose to reconnect it with your face. A light splash of warm water and scrub should help reseal the nose to your face and make the seams less noticeable.

Hope this helps!


[…] the group’s agenda and politics were inconsistent with Georgia’s conservative values.

In other words, supporting open access to a broad range of varied information is against their conservative values. Not that that’s news to anyone following conservative behaviors, but it must be emphasized for those that don’t.

Alongside that, undercutting a source of funds may not be banning books, but it absolutely reduces the operational capacities of libraries that were benefiting from them, in effect removing a range of books the libraries might otherwise provide.


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