
EnigmaRotor ⁂

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Software developer / industrial apps.
Working waaaayyyy too much.

Into airport c# / windows stuff 🤮, before: printer firmware & automotive electronics.

UNIX-minded person missing HPUX projects with plain C (❤️), shared memory, pointers.

Irony is that I mostly had to work on the platform I hate the most (MS). Because I know the enemy quite well…

Looking forward to adopt FreeBSD at home for lab usage (and work someday, hopefully?).

macos / IOS user


Direct message

@stefano@bsd.cafe sure, « good » (if we have a solid definition for this word) people should express more. That’s the key to give balance and have people statistically less suspicious about other’s intentions.

As for the quoteRT yes it as been weaponized by some « bad » actors. Then there is the eternal debate about the tool becoming a weapon, as in kitchen knifes. If it is instance-wise manageable this should be no arm. This ultimately points to the moderation topic too, and that’s a hard one for any social network/website.

People tend to give visibility (and engagement) to dramas and hateful positions (see the clickbait thing on YouTube for instance), it seems that’s how the brain has been wired thru evolution to ensure survival. At this very point of our evolution we also may share nice things and achievements, this is also part of survival at this point. That’s what we tend to do in your instance, sharing and rejoicing when someone extends the homelab or talk about design decisions that work.

[as an exercise, and to be a better guy, I shall not share hateful posts about the failure that systemd represents, and share more posts about init being a real success for years. ]

#beGood #butABitSarcasticWhenNeeded


@stefano that was one of the use of the quote-retweet that was never accepted on mastodon, it was useful for this very usage, boosting and emphasizing that the tweet was not necessarily your opinion. If people were not misunderstanding intentions, things would get simpler.

Afaiac, I sometimes use the quote-rt using the ReToot iOS app or Ice-Cubes integrated quote-rt, without abusing (to not instantly get inflammatory remarks of good people dictating my behavior with “we hate tweeter here” reminders).

The very first reply I ever received on mastodon was precisely this, and lead me to get quickly in search of building my safe “bubble” where my intentions (which are good btw 😃) would be better analyzed without a human-bot cop instantly triggering.

My only concern in fediverse would be this one, having people instantly overreacting with the fear of having some right-wing adversaries to handle. People, take the necessary time to know people and analyze them well, then take some more minutes to either throw them in flames, or like them or their ideas (when this happens, say it too!).

My view is “people are good by default”, opposing “all enemies until they publicly share my views”. I am reminded each day that in this wartime, my mindset may get rare, but I am fighting for it.

#takeYourTime #noOverReact


@stefano@bsd.cafe sure, as it was the case with energy providers, postal service, health services and so on. For some unknown reason (💰💰💰) and civilizational changes (“I, I, and I”), it seems like the focus is placed on other buzzword themes. (AI Ai Ai Ai Ai AI).

People, give back the human intelligence ™️®️a central part in our societies


@stefano@bsd.cafe (always upset when I see the number of official accounts on X, be it from gouv or people I follow, and who I consider as good persons. Why use shitty social media to communicate?). Ok : number of potential followers, and the historic media almost always relaying infos from X, never from mastodon or other fediverse components. We just don’t exist for the general public. Are we a cult or something? Yep we must be Freemasons or Illuminati of some kind, that’s the only way to explain this…
