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Even then, “being the change you want to see” is futile if the platform itself has tons of issues and doesn’t provide incentives for people of all kinds to join and use over other platforms.

It seems like only hardcore Redditors and hip techies pass the filter to discover the Fediverse and thrive on it, which makes certain communities outright impossible to grow. Case and point; the biggest solo RPG mag on the Fediverse has been running for over a year, and 98% of the ~40 posts have been made by a single dude, most of which have zero interactions. Why? Because the Fediverse’s demographic has no interest on the topic.

And yeah, gaming stuff always make the keyboard wizards rush out of their towers. 🧙‍♂️


I don’t miss it because I keep using it. The communities I follow there are niche and they are completely dead on the Fediverse. I keep opening Kbin every other day just to find that my “new” feed still shows posts from 2 weeks ago without even scrolling.

Also, most of what I dislike from Reddit is still here.

Tons of people on the Fediverse craft their responses to fish upvotes, and circlejerking/echo-chambers are here too. Just last week I got a fresh breeze of downvotes and angry commenters because I expressed that I dislike Steam, on the PCgaming magazine, which is the same thing that would’ve happened on r/gaming, r/pcmasterrace or another similar toxic cesspool on Reddit.


Are Androids picky with this? Shouldn’t 64-bit devices be able to run 32-bit just fine?


Yeah… Well, although I genuinely appreciate experbia’s humour, when the parody is making a joke out of a misinterpretation, the joke just doesn’t land, honey.

Hint: their comment had nothing to do with what I initially expressed here, and my response had very little to do with emoji, just like the parody itself. Two failed swings from your part, let’s see if you get the third strike, smartpants.


OHH!!! EMOJIS! The 200K Karma Redditor inside you is surely raging!

I commented on why I think this announcement is just another corn in the steamy pile of doo-doo… dookie… manure, if you will, that Steam is for me.

I’m not expecting Steam to change for me or people in the same scenario as mine. Steam simply doesn’t fit my needs any more and I won’t support them. But then again, crucify me for my sins, daddy. I might go back to purchasing games on Steam if you do it well enough. 🍆💦


As I’ve said, I’m a bad boy doing bad-boy activities, i.e.: using old PCs with the OS they came from. 🩸🗡️😎🔥


And that’s totally fair. I’m not demanding or even expecting for Steam to support older operating systems. I just stated that this is one of the reasons I avoid VALVE and their products nowadays.

It’s my preference as a consumer, but voicing it seems to have riled up some dudes over here, like, for example, @ryanspeck who seems to be distressed and/or concerned by my consumer habits.



There are companies that have built their customer base out of taking the extra step to cater the “0.0001%” of Steam’s: GOG, Humble Bundle, Kickstarter, and Itch.

1/3 of the Cyberpunk 2077’s pre-orders were made on GOG. I think “0.0001%” is a bit too pessimistic, don’t you think?


I might have worded that wrong. I WANT to run Windows 98 and Windows XP on these old PCs. It’s part of the experience, and the reason I even bothered to put them together. If you’ve ever watched LGR, it’s pretty much that kind of hobby.

Imagine you grew up in the 90s and at the languages school they had indigo and green G3 iMacs. Now that you’re older and drunk in nostalgia, you hunt for one until, after years, you find it. It’s green, beautiful, and it’s all yours.

Now you want to use it to play games of the era. You purchase them on Steam, as opposed to just pirate them. Steam works on this G3 of yours, (just an example since Steam never worked on G3 iMacs, but you get the idea.) and you’re able to play these old games as they were meant to be played, without issues.

Out of the blue, VALVE decides that Steam is just going to support the latest M-iMacs. The game and Steam are installed on your G3, but when you open the game, a pop-up appears reminding you that Steam isn’t compatible with this iMac. You try to run the game out of the executable file but get the same results. You’re effectively fucked, finding yourself crawling back to GOG, MyAbandonwaredotcom, your torrent site of choice, or your M2 iMac which have massive issues running these old games.

Niche case? Sure, but it still happens, and it’s exactly what is going to happen to the current generation of game consoles in the future.


Good for you. Me, on the other hand, I like living on the edge since no one should be running older OSes. B-)

I don’t want Windows 10 or 11, and certainly not Linux, of all things, to run on the retro PCs that I’ve put together to run their respective OS, and games from their respective eras. But what do I know?
