
FakeNewsForDogs [he/him]

2 posts • 206 comments
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I find it extremely difficult to enjoy anything that includes advertisements because I just end up consumed with rage at how much of the commons and the space in our heads we’ve allowed to be colonized by this shit and how intrusive it is. The rage itself becomes just as distracting as the advertisement. It’s psychic pollution.


Differs from state to state but where I practice, deposits can be used to cover unpaid rent and physical damage. Nothing else. But, it is exceedingly rare for landlords to bother suing anyone for a money judgment after they’ve moved out. They’ll sue at the drop of a hat for possession if you miss a month’s payment, but even when you’re ten months behind they usually just get a possession judgment/eviction order and call it a day. Granted, most of the folks who end up in eviction court are broke so that’s probably why they don’t bother trying to collect after eviction, so your mileage may vary depending on your apparent income level. But my point is that the same is doubly true for unpaid months on a lease the tenant has prematurely terminated. They’ll usually just eat the “loss” if you don’t pay them. Even better if you have an argument that they somehow breached the lease themselves (e.g. were not fully attentive to repair requests). As always though, my best advice would be to contact your local free legal aid. They have income eligibility restrictions but generally don’t make you provide proof of eligibility.


Every month or so, like clockwork, somebody posts some zizek shit that seems somehow more unfathomably stupid than the last time. Somebody should do a wellness check on this fella. He’s either leaning really hard into his role as the clown contrarian of the left, or his brain is being literally devoured by some kind of ravenous fungus and he needs a doctor.


I wonder how much of this is just down to young folks being more aligned with the Democratic Party and old folks the republicans. Support or opposition for the war maps pretty well onto that party divide. Which is more than anything just a testament to how depressingly prefabricated American understandings of politics are, and how thoroughly corporate media dictates public opinion.


That’s an astute point. And I think that phenomenon is exacerbated by an old but increasingly popular trend in media to flatter its audience. It’s the whole postmodern winking irony thing you see so much in pop culture and advertising. Like “we know you’re too smart to be persuaded by traditional advertising, so we’re not going to do that.” I think there’s maybe a david foster Wallace essay about it. Nobody ever likes to think of themselves as a rube, but nowadays it’s worse than that - everybody just knows they’re smart as a whip.

Even apart from that there’s something about outlets like NYT, wapo etc that appeals to liberals’ sense of their own worldliness, and somehow makes it that much more convincing despite those being the SAME PAPERS that sold the lies of the Iraq war so confidently.

This stuff seems to get more psychologically sophisticated as time goes on, but the result… same as it ever was.


This has me in zone 5 when really it’s supposed to be 4. But now that I think about it, these zones are probably more like… zestimates, going forward. USDA should add three question marks and a shrugging emoji after the number the next time they update these. Or maybe a frowning face for like the southwest for instance.


Cybertruck but cool.


Move on to where? The offline world? I’m not super online so I am completely unaware of any leftist forums that are remotely similar to prefederation hexbear. I will say there are limits to the entertainment value of having dumbasses wander into our threads, and sometimes the broken sorting mechanism is a bummer, so I get where you’re coming from. Honestly not sure where one would move on to though.
