We’re working on front loading 529’s. The goal is to have enough in each to cover four years at a good in state university plus some buffer. Obviously they might literally do something different but it feels like a good baseline. Finishing this front loading is one of the items on our pre-FIRE checklist as the plan is to pull the trigger long before they’ll go off to college.
Weekly question:
For those with kids, what are your plans for college? How does it factor into your retirement plans?
We’ve done it twice. The first time was probably the most common and boring story— we bought a house. It was planned and we’d been intentionally living cheaply to save up.
The second was when my wife stopped working. This was during Covid when all the return to office stuff started and we’d just had our first kid. Now we’ve got two and she’s (mostly) a stay at home parent with a passion/hobby business.