Canada is just america but 5-10 years behind on the crazy policies. It really isn’t any better and cost of living is often higher than in america.
I’m Canadian and have a friend in Canada who is unemployed, mentally ill to the point of collecting disability and lives with his mother who is mentall ill and physically disabled. They both rely on extensive government support programs like disability payments, mental health care access, pharmaceutical benefits, and our healthcare system.
This friend of mine wants to vote for our right wing conservative party who will strip most if not all of these supports away from him and his family. I just don’t understand how someone can vote against themselves like this, he’s gobbled up the propaganda. My heart goes out to all who will suffer under the new American government.
As a Canadian who has watched our politics slowly try to mimic America’s, I’m terrfieid. As it is our conservative provincial premier is ripping out bike lanes on city streets that have apartments being built right now that offers significantly more bike parking than car parking. Its backwards progress, a signifcant amount of the lanes were just built and now we gotta spend more money ripping them out because some fat conservative feels offended he is too unfit to cycle.
Under trump i doubt much “freedom inhibiting” transit will be built. And bike lanes are ablist so they are gone. Sidewalks will be gone too as only “poor people” walk so why waste taxes on them. Hell, he might even rip out a railway to build a highway, cause that’s more american.
I think there is a disturbing charm that trump brings to some Americans. Almost like a “hes a no nonsense” or a “common sense” kind of guy but i think thats mostly because he can blow out tons of lies and misinformation with lots of confidence and some old fashioned American charisma. Hes happy to let people’s hate fuel their emotions.