Yes it is. But that is the price to have gigabyte internet with unlimited data. Unfortunately without that it cost me more than 200 a month. Because they charge 50 dollars every gig you go over your data cap. So I pay 100 bucks so we don’t. Because I have 3 gamers in the house streams.
I tried to go lower but every fucking time I get nailed with the limit and end up 300 dollar bills. It’s shit but all I can get here.
Elon doesn’t care if any of that gets done. Actually he probably rather it didn’t.
I did they didn’t know it was slur, but fuck they do now. See if you give a word power then it does what you attended. Why do you think the black community use the N word the way they do. It takes the power away from the word.
It words the old saying stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. It’s powerful slogan, that I guess in today’s age isn’t used.
Yeah it makes me think of how Samuel L Jackson always has to defend Quentin for always using the N word. Reporters always wanting to say he is racist. They just don’t get it. Its always about context. Even Stephen King uses that word in his books even today. Banning words or saying don’t ever use those words is a slippery slop. We can’t run around calling for freedom then ban words.
Unless its nazi then that the only exception in my mind. But that because nazi shouldn’t exist. But I will just leave it alone. I am a supporter of the trans community, especially since I personally know several trans people and will fight for their right to exist. Anyone who thinks ill of me or thinks of me any other way don’t jack shit about me.