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No. He literally thought that Hannibal Lecter, the fictional murderer and cannibal from the film “The Silence of the Lambs”, was both dead and also a great person. And no, the person who portrayed the character of Hannibal Lecter, Anthony Hopkins, isn’t dead either. Also, that was a speech from a few weeks ago I think, and not the RNC speech, which was also unhinged and devolved into a Trump rally attacking Biden and prominent leftists rather than the “call for unity from a changed man” we were promised by bad faith right wing media outlets.

Trump’s brain is just as much a pile of mush as Biden’s is at this point, but at least I know in the moments of lucidity that Biden has, he’s effective at the job and does the right thing. Can’t say the same for the 34 time convicted felon running for re-election after he failed to steal the last one.


You know, this got my mind working for a bit. We have a similar phenomenon in the United States, where just about every ethnic cuisine is kind of a bastardized version of the more authentic dishes brought here by people emigrating from their home countries. American Chinese, Tex Mex, etc are all distinctly American but have clearly been inspired by their origin but modified for western tastes and sensibilities. It makes me wonder at what point a certain cuisine is considered to be a genuine and unique creation, rather than just something adopted from elsewhere by way of either conquest or cultural exchange? How many things do we associate with a particular nationality as being their specialty when that style of cooking or method of preparation or presentation were probably acquired along the way somewhere and forgotten with time? I guess it’s hard to know for sure.


Jokes on them, I can’t afford a home and I have immaculate credit!


The people who think this have never had to truly struggle in their entire fucking lives. Fat little American piggies who think that everything will stay the same in every facet of life under their military dictatorship, as if nothing bad could ever happen to them and bad things will only happen to the people they hate. They take for granted all of the freedoms and luxuries they enjoy daily and never once consider how quickly those would vanish for them too.


Misogyny is not called “The world’s oldest form of prejudice” for nothing. They should definitely look at somebody other than Harris, especially if her polling data is weak. No sense is ditching Biden for Harris if she’s statistically less likely to get people to turn out for her.


While I do think he’s an effective bureaucrat and statesman, Newsom is genuinely reviled by California Republicans. Republicans not liking their Democrat governor is obviously nothing new, but there was nowhere near even 1% of the same vitriol being directed towards Jerry Brown, his predecessor and also a Democrat.

I kind of feel like Newsom doesn’t really have the chops for the national stage yet. He doesn’t have any accolades to his name, was mired in a scandal during Covid, and California is not doing so hot on the issues that the Dem establishment are trying hard to tackle. Chiefly among those issues is rampant homelessness and drug addiction, which the state has funneled billions into trying to solve and so far gotten nowhere fast. The attack ads almost write themselves.

To be clear, I do find him appealing (at least more than Biden), but I think he’s going to have an uphill battle at unifying the disparate Democratic party if he’s given 4-ish months to mount a campaign.


I remain unconvinced.


You asked for an explanation and I gave you one. Keep on dreaming that the only thing keeping Democratic establishment where they are on the political spectrum is that magic 5% number you tossed out and not the oodles of cash that their corporate donors supply them to keep things as they are.


The optics on this are abysmal. I get that he’s trying to be consistent with party ideology any time there is a shooting where someone dies, but we’ve got an election in 4 months and talking about banning guns of any kind gets conservatives motivated to turn out.


Andrew Yang sent out an email the other day that I partially agree with. The JD Vance pick is a bold signal that Trump thinks he’s already won. He could have picked Doug Bergum, Glenn Youngkin, Nikki Haley, or Marco Rubio and any of them would have brought something to the table that could potentially shore up Trump’s weaknesses in the upcoming election and reassured moderates, corporate donors, and minority groups that Trump had their best interests at heart. But instead he picked a junior senator with no legislative accomplishments, no real connections to business or Washington politicians, and no household name recognition, and only redeeming quality is that he has a law degree from Yale.

I would say it’s almost certain that he got picked because he made a statement that if he were the VP during Trump’s first term, he would not have certified the 2020 election results. Yikes.

I’m not surprised that Trump is packing his cabinet with dyed-in-the-wool loyalists. Part of the reason a lot of his plots failed in his first term is because career politicians refused to break the law at his behest. I don’t really see this backfiring for him since the VP pick is secondary to Trump’s own cult of personality. It’s not a strong VP pick, but it didn’t really matter who he picked. He could have picked Donald Trump Jr. to be his running mate and MAGA would have gone along with it.
