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Digimon World 2003. I never owned a PlayStation (was a Nintendo-only fanboy for years until I bought a PS2 in the mid-00s a year before the Xbox 360 was announced) and tried to run an emulator of it for over a decade before it was fully supported. I also had trouble because I found out the only English version that didn’t have that stupid “once you start fighting the final boss, you can’t explore the game world anymore” thing they used to do in JRPGs was the European version. Now I can actually play it, even using gameshark codes, easily… if I could only find the time to play it!


I like both, but Spotify has far more tracks available these days. I’ve found songs on Spotify that just aren’t on iTunes at all.


Maybe so, but… That might be because China and America have too much international power. Power attracts the corrupt and global power attracts the most corrupt on the globe.


Dude, I get it, but I don’t have anything against you and I’m not demanding you learn English to cater to me.

Please stop assuming I’m racist or selfish for only knowing the language my parents spoke most when I was a baby, I probably could have picked up Spanish from my mom’s family but sending a teenager with Asperger’s like me to stay with relatives in South America in 2007 like my normal-brained brother did as a foreign exchange student would have been infeasible.

I just want to write speculative fiction in my own language and in return be grateful to people who are willing to learn a trade language, not be told I’m a monster just for speaking only a language that’s commonplace, is that too much to ask?


This. I appreciate everyone who has learned English, but more so than that I think having to learn it before moving to an English speaking country like mine is like expecting a baby to walk before it has been born. Take it from a half-Colombian who can’t understand a word of what my mom says on the phone to family members and friends, if you want someone to learn a language, the easiest way is complete immersion into a society that speaks it.

Worst of all is any asshole who, say, goes to Mexico and thinks “because I’m an American and we are nationally owed $$ by Mexico I am entitled to be so arrogant as to think people should have to speak English when I go to Mexico on vacation”. It’s not just America to Mexico obviously, I could say Quebecios to Western Canada or Englishman to (insert country here) or Chinese to (insert country here) but I’m sure you get the general formula. Arrogant wealthier-than-average tourist, different culture with less material wealth, inevitable offensively bigoted comment.

In such a case, I would absolutely tell the arrogant tourist that just because they’re rich and live in Nation X, does not make them entitled to being catered to, albeit with more colorful language because somehow idiots like that tend to realise they’ve gone too far and either apologize and stop or give one last angry quip and storm off to ragequit the conversation.

The meme feels too accusatory, but I understand that language-wise I got lucky and most people have to work up to knowing a language with critical user mass. I will never expect anyone to HAVE to speak my language for any reason.

I mean, with the specific caveat that if it’s an emergency and they know some English, ANY at all, we should probably go as far as we can to speak each other’s languages in a temporary pidgin until nobody is hurt or in danger. Aside from such time-sensitive situations, I’m definitely willing to learn from them as long as they acknowledge I hope they try to learn some English from me, but no obligation should be involved either way.


At least the block button is convenient and useable on communities and even instances, instead of not blocking “suicide watch trolling” and not having the ability to block extremist political subreddits.


The fact that the guy you said this to doesn’t respond to this specific comment says volumes about how right you are and how much of an asshole he is.


Unless they have a reason to lock him up to protect their own interests, the Supreme Court is probably not going to do shit. That’s WHY Trump picked them, as an “insurance measure”, and unfortunately it seems to be working.


That’s a fair assessment. Sorry if I was over-reactive.


I know, right? God I am so done with arguing about how (or who gets) to decide what kind of society we live in. I just want to talk about OpenTTD, Star Citizen and pics of Lego builds.
