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I got COVID after taking all precautions because my father didn’t wear a mask and took it home. I was sick for a month. I only left my bed to use the bathroom or eat. I literally slept the rest of the time. I probably should have gone to the hospital because I could hardly stay awake even just to eat. I remember waking up one day, and just knowing that I was recovering.

Recovery was hell. I couldn’t taste, or smell anything. I had awful flu like symptoms. I was lethargic and I could hardly walk. It took two weeks to feel functional, and for three months my sense of taste was completely fucked.


I think I used a mental shortcut and assumed their reason was due to frustration because a fairly common context for sentences like the one in the comment I replied to is due to reasons of disagreement or dislike due to opinion, quality, lack of information, or some other reason.


The game gets kinda meta on itself. This is mild spoilers: There’s a greater overall plot that gets progressed by a looping simpler plot. The idea is that, you are instructed by a narrator to go to a cabin in the woods and slay the princess inside. The choices you make cause this plot to repeat with a twist. When the simple plot loops its influenced by what you did on the prior iteration of the simple plot. Each of these loops is actually you advancing down a branching story path, and you need enough of these branches completed to complete the greater overall plot.

Its sort of like the Stanley Parable, where you can defy the narrator, or go along with his demands. The fun is getting a reaction out of the narrator or any of the other characters by your actions or dialogue choices, and seeing the story change based on what you choose. However its still a visual novel, so its a lot of listening to dialogue.


Cartel torture and execution video. I tried typing up what I remembered of it, but even omitting half the details left me with a very gruesome and disturbing story. I’ll just say that the casual nature of the men doing the torture was the most disturbing part. They laughed and took turns as they drank beer. They made other victims watch while having demented smiles across their faces. They delighted in the screams. I suppose not understanding Spanish was a blessing for a curious child.


I liked watching these as a kid. They played in the early morning before school. Sometimes the bubbles were just jokes or humorous observations. Othertimes, they were interesting bits of trivia in an age where the internet was still in its early days.


Steam itself works fine on Linux. I don’t think I have a single game in my library that doesn’t work. I’m using Arch (btw) and I’ve found that for my use case (internet browsing and video games) that I haven’t had any major issues.

The two issues I do have are:

  • If I go too long without updating then package dependencies get screwed and its a headache to fix. -Downloaded applications need the console to allow them to be run. (This is just a single command I have sticky noted to my monitor.)

I still have my Windows install (dual boot) as a just in case backup, but its been months since I’ve used it.


Well no shit his mental instability worsened, they literally tortured him.


Yeah, I’m going to have to agree. It had plenty of content to make up for its price tag.


Well, my example of the word ‘elephant’ has the same property as ‘herb’ where the use of ‘a’ or ‘an’ can depend on who you ask. I chose my example trying to anticipate this exact question, and I believe I gave you an answer.

Let me put it this way: it depends… It depends on the data the LLM (Chat GPT for example) has been given to train its output. If we have an LLM dataset which uses only text by people in the United Kingdom, then the data will favor “a herb” as the ‘h’ is pronounced, where data from the United States will favor the other way as the ‘h’ is usually silent when spoken out loud.

As a fairly general rule, people use the article “an” before a vowel sound (like a silent “h”) and “a” before a consonant sound (like a pronounced, or aspirated, “h”). Usually the data gathered is from multiple English speaking countries, so both “an herb” and “a herb” will exist in the training data, and from there the LLM will favor picking the one that is shown more often (as the data will biased.)

Just for fun, I asked the LLM running on my local machine. Prompt: "Fill in the blank: “It is _ herb” Response: “It is an herb.”
