
GayActorMichaelDouglas [none/use name, he/him]

3 posts • 96 comments
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Most people don’t know this because they censor this but the official rules state that you have to move chess pieces around with your dick in Men’s chess. Apparently, the use of a third appendage for speedy moves is paramount to the strategy of the game. Cis women are obviously at a disadvantage because of it.


I used to do all my work before 10:00 PM on the night shift and then read in between customers at my local gas station. Got chewed out and then decided to do everything slower while taking 5 minute breaks to “restock” the drinks. Overall, I still got my reading and I did less work.

Dipshit manager then says he was proud of me for doing more work. Work culture is entirely vibe based and has literally nothing to do with actual productivity.


Also, this is the start week of college for most people which is probably a large portion of their userbase.


I only support Trump in the sense that his wildly illegal actions drive the US Empire into the ground and expose how fucking corrupt and stupid our political system is.

If Hillary was elected, the whole Epstein thing would never have been a media sensation. The only reason it got so big is because dumbfuck Donald doesn’t have the political acumen to avoid shit like this. The more Donald Trump is in power, the more the seams that form this corrupt system start to unravel. I don’t think he’s significantly worse than Biden and Roe V Wade being overturned is proof. Biden is leading us into increasing escalations with China and Russia, continuing the covid deathcult, and presiding over an increasingly shit economic system while doing fuck all to stop it.


Yep, give it 20-30 years and I bet that China will be the LGBTQ+ safe haven. For the shitty things China does, I am vastly more willing to tolerate them specifically because they keep working on making them better.

In shithole America, problems are ignored and the good things they opposed for 50 years get propagandized even while politicians are stripping them away.


I was listening to NPR today and some dipshit said it was a “Debt cancellation plan” then the idiot interviewer asked “But they still have to pay it all back right?” Dipshit said “Yes but with less interest so it’s still fulfilling Biden’s promise.”

I literally fucking screamed in my car. I have almost been killed by some drivers before but THIS is what caused me to flip my shit. I was so mad that I didn’t even feel bad when someone gave me a glare.
