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It’s a good card. Make sure you’re running a kernel with up-to-date drivers.

I’m not super familiar with the GPU market in the UK. What other cards can you get for around that price? If you can get a 6800xt for cheap, it could be better.


Short answer: Enterprise bullshit and Adobe.

On the home computing side, I can’t think of much that has specific OS requirements besides gaming and DRM’d 4K streaming. For better or worse, most desktop apps nowadays are glorified web sites. It’s a different world today than it was 20 years ago.

On the enterprise side, nah. Way too many vendors with either no Linux support or shitty Linux support.

Microsoft is working hard to shove “New Outlook” down everyone’s throats despite still not having feature parity with old Outlook. Nobody in my company will want to use it until it is forced because we need delegated and shared calendars to actually work. And then there’s the “you can take my 80GB .pst files when you pry them from my cold dead hands” crowd. Advanced Excel users are not happy with the web version either, and I don’t blame them.


Its gimmick was that it was compatible with Windows apps, and an easy transition for Windows users. It didn’t really live up to that promise. Wine was not nearly as mature then as it is today, and even today it would be pretty bold to present any Linux distro as being Windows-compatible.


“The law you’re proposing specifically to stop our abusive behavior might interfere with our abusive behavior!”


Not at all. But I want to see advertisers make some goddamn effort of their own, and accept some responsibility for the shitshow that they have created.

And until that happens, I’m certainly not going to feel bad about blocking ads across the board.


That does nothing to deal with malware distribution, which has been a problem in pretty much every ad network. It does nothing to address the standard practice of making ads as obtrusive and flashy as possible.

I do not accept the premise that advertising is the only possible business model for quality web sites. History suggests the opposite: that it is a toxic business model that creates backwards incentives.


And what is the advertising industry doing to earn back the trust that they’ve eroded with their incessant, relentless abuse over the entire life of the Internet?



Nancy Mace - 1st Congressional District: South Carolina [R]

Tim Burchett - 2nd Congressional District: Tennessee [R]

Not sure who the third is.


This is interesting work, but I don’t think it justifies the plain-English summary. If you’re going to claim that language is not a tool for thought, I would expect you to demonstrate that a difference in language does not lead to a difference in thought. To answer that, you shouldn’t just look at whether language-focused brain regions are activated during non-language-based activity, but also whether a lifetime of using Language A leads to differences outside of those regions compared to a lifetime of using Language B. Isn’t that the crux of linguistic relativity? That different languages encourage and train different modes of thought?

Any chess player will tell you that they apply their “chess brain” to all sorts of things outside of chess. It’s not that we literally view life as a chessboard, but rather that a lifetime of playing chess has honed a set of mental skills that are broadly applicable. The fundamental logic applies everywhere.

In particular, some deaf children who are born to hearing parents grow up with little or no exposure to language, sometimes for years, because they cannot hear speech and their parents or caregivers do not know sign language. Lack of access to language has harmful consequences for many aspects of cognition, which is to be expected given that language provides a critical source of information for learning about the world. Nevertheless, individuals who experience language deprivation unquestionably exhibit a capacity for complex cognitive function: they can still learn to do mathematics, to engage in relational reasoning, to build causal chains, and to acquire rich and sophisticated knowledge of the world

It seems like they are using a narrower definition of “language” than is appropriate. e.g. I don’t think it’s controversial to include body language under the umbrella of “language”, so I am very skeptical of the claim that any of those deaf children had “no exposure to language”.
