Well, who is preparing for the next presidential candidacy?
Fackeln und Mistgabeln… Fackeln &
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Ich stellte mich gerne mal hinter das zu unrecht geparkte Auto, warte ab, bis der/die Übeltäter kommt und weise dann darauf hin, dass es ja ganz schön Scheisse ist, wenn jeder so parkt wie es ihm am besten passt und man ja ruhig 3 Meter extra kaufen könnte.
Is that her name on her necklace?
The costs of safely decommissioning and dismantling nuclear power plants are immense and are borne by taxpayers. In addition, there are high insurance premiums for operators. Renewable energies, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly affordable and make us less dependent on fossil fuels and their price fluctuations.
The future belongs to renewable energies. With them, we can ensure a safe, clean, and sustainable energy supply for generations to come. Nuclear power is a thing of the past.
Would you like me to combine these options into a single statement, or perhaps focus on a specific aspect of the arguments? For example, we could emphasize the economic benefits of renewable energy, or the environmental impact of nuclear power.
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