Kit Sorens
Perhaps a European ideal of Libertarianism. US liberal politics is a facade of good will to hide the same pro-corporate agenda pushing that the other party does while hiding behind a facade of moral vitriol. US libertarians believe in enforcing one’s own freedoms with force rather than relying on government force to defend your rights. US leftists have no political base in our elections, by design.
JusT aPpLY yoURsElF
Schrodinger’s remake. It is neither in production, nor canceled, until its release.
Is that… 5 AC10’s in CT? Or a really weird looking RAC20?
Cultural, for sure. I had to tough it out for the first bit, only really liking the detective. But then when all the main characters got replaced over and over, I began to see humanity as the main character, collectively, and then I was hooked, which I’m sure was the intent as the story spans >!all of time in the universe 2 times over,!< It’s worth revisiting.