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GoebbelsDeezNuts [any]
3 posts • 70 comments
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to help optimize.

I think I’ve lost the plot, how would they know they need to optimize if nobody were to tell them? Obviously there are good ways and bad ways to write criticism, but again if you release a game early its going to happen.


The early access game review bombing for poor optimization

imo don’t do early access if you don’t want real criticism, it was supposed to be the whole reason you release in EA in the first place not just as a marketing hype generator


Someone close to him in the comments:

“Artur, I say this as someone who cares, and would like to give you the benefit of the doubt, that it is disappointing, disheartening even, to see you go down this route. Please for a second consider the people you would have made happy by including inclusivity, just for a moment”

This idiot:

"We’ve got to know each other for a while now, and I appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Please consider that people around the world went through different shit to survive up to this point, and you can’t have tolerance for intolerance because that’s just living in oppression.

That’s how I feel at this moment. I spent a whole week stressing over not saying something that might offend a specific group of people I will never meet, I didn’t sleep the last 2 days, until I realized that this simply doesn’t fucking work for my mental health.

So my message to these extremists who demand me to subscribe to their ideology is to live and let live, or fuck off. I hope you’ll understand this has gone too far, and while it receives some well-deserved pushback to normality we can all live with, we can remain friends."

“you can’t have tolerance for intolerance” He is very smart. His understanding of the Paradox of tolerance is unparalleled.

“I spent a whole week stressing over not saying something that might offend a specific group of people I will never meet” TIL there are none gay people in Poland


I play Dwarf Fortress like this, you can spend unlimited paused queuing up stuff to do and then whenever you’re ready you can just unpause and let the work happen. Its nice too because if something important happens while the dwarves are working the game will auto pause.


Arthur Morgan ass exterminator


i see i just read the rest of the thread and it seems to be a response to “it makes fun of you for everything. therefore it is centrist”

i was missing this context, and also the context about it relating to Harry specifically


“disco elysium doesn’t make fun of you for any political ideology you may align with”

what? the game makes fun of you entirely for any political decision you make regardless of ideology. if you go neolib, communist, or fascist the game makes fun of you.

“the writers think politics are stupid”

they are literally communists? i don’t get this take at all. what am i missing? i feel like the exact opposite of this take it true
