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Thanks, I’ll keep these in mind as I’m searching.


Thanks, I have a rough idea of the kind of place I want it to be but I’m probably going to compromise on it if too many other people have the same idea;

Paradise World or similar low Life Support using world with low/no storms. Area including a dial-gate for checking on interesting places with minimal additional effort and to give me more inclination to put effort into what the place looks like; anyone could dial my base and check it out.

For the most part I have the things I need on this save. I have a Bioship in progress… all the pieces ready just having an issue with the gates that I don’t remember what it was anymore. Regardless I use a Sentinel Interceptor, also S Class, for my primary vessel. Overcharged sentinel cannon shreds just about everything :D


I’ve got tiny mining outposts in several places that are just EM towers, mining platforms, storage, and a room with a portal. Then I’ve got an industrial grow op with different plants on different floors with the correct number of plants on each floor that I can harvest what I need for a Fusion Ignitor with minimal excess.

Then I’ve got my freighter. Out of all of them it’s probably got the most effort put into it; It’s an S-Class Pirate Dreadnaught… with a pretty ehh amount of storage, but I’m working on that. I’ve got a little cabin aboard the ship with a grow op for some plants that I don’t recall why I had them planted. And of course the ground vehicle teleporter and the storage rooms.

Thanks for the tip, I’ll try to do more missions so I’ve got reasons to potentially find good locations.


Oh in the American Dystopia they’ve abandoned the ‘love each other’ part. They still pay lip-service to the notion of loving families but absolutely no maintenance is put into it.

Rather they attack all forms of birth control such that if one uses sex to cope with the dystopian conditions, at all, there’s a likelihood you will be saddled with the economic burden of children. Doesn’t matter if it was a one-night-stand or if neither party is rationally old enough to be effective parents… hell traumatized kids may be even less effective at forming effective resistance to their power.

Honestly, that’s not enough for replacement, let alone population growth, and they know it. I’m certain they’re going to resort to even more dystopian methods as they have demonstrated not just a lack of care for Human decency but active contempt for the concept.


My take on AI use is that because it’s being used to try and replace skilled labor using it, and therefore helping to train it, is bad in most cases. If it were the case that it was not being used that way than I’d have no issues with it.


I know at least two who’d even take tRump losing in a landslide not as them actually being a minority. Mango Mussolini has put a lot of work into corroding faith in the electoral system such that they can believe that he won just like they can believe that Christ is coming back some day.


No luck so far, the free one would be greatly appreciated. My username is the same as here.

Edit: Thanks for the mod!


Thanks! I’ll go hunting for it later, hopefully it doesn’t take me too long.


The God of the Christians?

Time’s killing it just as it does everyone. Not only is the vile religion diminishing currently but the claimed miracles of the fabled monster are also diminishing with time.

  • In true Last Thursdayism fashion they claim the universe was created by the beast six millennia ago.
  • 2 millennia later he demonstrably lost, if he ever had to begin with, the traits of omniscience and omnipotence. As demonstrated by taking a rash action, regretting it, and not undoing it.
  • At some point he’s developed a weakness to iron as stated by spaceghoti.
  • Nowadays his grand “miracles” are causing light breezes, or small amounts of rain, or stopping either… things Humans are entirely capable of doing.

As for how to accelerate the death of this monster? Take a page from the countries that have done the best at wounding it so far: Raise general quality of life, not just education, for all the people of your society. It feeds on suffering, so we should starve it out.


I see faith and religion confused a lot.

Fair enough, I have been using them interchangeably. I suppose given your position that’s inaccurate. Our positions differ quite a bit, I’m an antitheist and materialist/physicalist.

which - fair, you can make inferences and guesses, but we’re still not able to know for certain what someone else is thinking.

My point here is just the opposite. It isn’t inferences or guesses, we can tell from brain activity that what’s going on falls within a certain range. We have yet to refine this ability to tell detailed specifics but we’re not guessing A * B = G, we can use our modern tools and understanding to determine that G is within the range of D through J. Prior to the development of the current tools and methods we had a wider range and prior to the development of any such tools we were guessing and making inferences.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle would be an example I’d agree to of something unknownable: the set of both the precise location and momentum of a particle. However as of yet I am unaware of any reason or mechanism by which this unknowable is impactful to any sapient entity… except those specifically studying it.

As-is I find the unknowables that I am aware of, the Uncertainty Principle, whether or not we’re in a simulation, and so on so be inconsequential on the scale we operate on. We have a perceived reality that behaves according to rules that are determinable and practical utility can be derived from determining them.

my view is that we all act on some degree of faith

I don’t think I can contest this. At least not at the moment after having had a long day. In any case I think this point is where we likely differ quite a lot; I strive to take nothing on faith. To whichever extent that I do I want it to be less or at least driven past the point of functional irrelevance to the operation of my life.

Nothing to do with the faith/spirituality of the individual, a LOT to do with the biases of whatever leadership your in group has.

I suppose the authors of their scripture would count even though they have limited relation to living leaders of their religion.
