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Trans, married, parent, gamer, Prius driver. I love world building, usually light-fantasy, and writing short stories in the worlds I create

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I always get stuck trying to replay FF8 because I can never properly get enough items to ever upgrade anyone’s main weapon- which is usually good enough to get through till mid-late game there’s some point that requires more physical weapon use and I just get roadblocked and give up. I could probably follow a guide but I always think I can do it myself.

More on track with your game though - I love Legend of Dragoons art style for their character sheet, but it feels so slow navigating it. I’d really really love a remaster.


You just unlocked a memory of why I now scroll down every shop menu before even looking at what they have for sale in any game.

That’s the reason. Some random gameboy game from like 30 years ago.


From what I understand of how this whole system works here - you can just host/create your own instance for that community. Make some mod post on your subreddit about how you’re migrating the community, if anyone can help host it if you’re unable, and if they want to follow over they can.


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Honestly, without going into too much detail - aimlessly wandering and exploring is kind of a Zelda games thing. More so with the older ones. Trying to play the original NES with no guide other than my own notes is a lesson in patience, and I replay it every year. As well as ALttP here. You don’t need to find all the heart containers, so don’t spend too much time searching for them - a lot of them are going to be hidden behind items you haven’t unlocked yet. Save that for part of your final dungeon prep. Do look for the enhanced armor to take less damage though - however I’m not sure when exactly that unlocks to be found.

But the swamp palace is a PiTA. Those water skimmers are a giant pain always running into you, and all the various switches and backtracking. I don’t want to say that the dungeons get easier after this one - it’s just where the game really starts to Zelda and the mechanics of the game should start clicking as you go through and on to the next one, making them easier.


I think they skip the “have kids” part of life.

Like I enjoy games, but I’d rather spend time with kid and spouse than play them. Like I almost feel guilty taking time for myself to actually play them.

The spouse isn’t so much an issue to gaming, as separate work schedules gave ample time to just game. Kids on the other hand, and a special needs one for me, as the at-home parent take up almost every waking second of my day, from 7am to 8pm - 9pm if you count cleaning up the days activities.

My backlog is similar to yours - with the same “gotta get them in before Starfield comes out”. And I know it’s not gonna happen.

It was a much simpler time when you only had one console - and like 2 games + whatever you rented for the week.


There was an old PC game called MegaRace. Somehow I changed my controls and set steering to Left was Right and Right was Left. I never noticed this for the entire time I played it.

When I bought Test Drive 4 the first race I proceeded to drive straight into a wall. After struggling for a while I went back to MegaRace and instantly realized what my issue was.

Fast forward a decade or two later after doing only console racing games, proceeded to buy Dirt Rally and use my keyboard and muscle memory kicked in and drove straight off the track. I basically have to set driving games I play keyboard with to reverse steering. Thankfully a wheel, seat, pedals, and shifter have alleviated this problem in my current life.


Originally I was annoyed at the display of

But I decided later to take it as Zapp growing as a person, having learned he can develop feelings for “men” - even though it was just Leela, and in a confused sort of way opened up to dating trans-women. And he is legitimately confused about the surprise, knowing full well this is a trans-women - and not the harmful joke about her still having her body’s birth genitalia.

But yeah, hopefully they do a little better with this season on that front and I don’t have to rely on home brewed explanations anymore.


Don’t forget taking so long a break between games that you completely forget what you’re supposed to be doing, and if the game offers no sort of recap/hand-holding quest system - you have to start from scratch.

At which point the daunting nature of that overwhelms you and you just sit there browsing your catalog for something new to play/continue until you’re 15 minutes past your allotted time - and you’re now even further behind.

Win/win all around.


If Todd Howard’s hyping of Oblivion, Fallout3, Fallout4, and Skyrim have taught me anything - the game will come nowhere to delivering anything promised - will be massively buggy - and I’ll easily sink 100s of hours into the game not caring in the least bit and having a blast the entire time. Purchasing it again and again on every platform as the years pass. Though with gamepass I suppose I don’t have to worry about purchasing it anymore.

While Morrowind was my entry into the series in 2002/2003 - I had never heard of it until my head chef at the time told me I needed to purchase it. His hype delivered. But I have no clue what the hype of Morrowind pre-release was like or what was promised vs delivered. But I imagine it was quite similar.
