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No gun ranges where I live. Very rural, tons of space. If I want to shoot a gun, the most practical way is - by far - simply owning it myself. I also trust myself to take care of it and keep it safe. Considering how far I’d have to drive to get to a gun range, and how unsafe driving is statistically… I’d say it’s also safest to take out that variable.

Not needing something is never a good argument to not have something. I don’t need the vast majority of the things I own, but I do have them.


Haha, true! I’ve learned the hard way to try the really whacky shit in a virtual machine first, they’re quite handy for that. After lots of trial and error though, and learning what will break things and what won’t, I’ve been on the same install for several years now actually. But yes, back ups are still smart lol


The increase in fossil fuel usage has always correlated super heavily with increases in population, which makes sense because we use these fuels to sustain human life. However, it’s important to note that the rate of increase in fossil fuel usage has actually slowed down relative to the rate of increase in population.

It’s also wrong to suggest nothing is being done about climate change, it’s not all doom and gloom. North American loggers are heavily focused on reforestation and as a result the number of trees is 130% what it was 100 years ago.

Farmers are very focused on soil health and the amount of arable land has increased which is a massive environmental win. They are also naturally inclined to make more efficient use of their fuel since they pay for it themselves: The GPS and EZ Steer technology alone reduced fuel cost for farmers and emissions immensely.

There’s also been a lot of progress in nuclear energy, and we’re far closer to implementing safe modular reactors than we’ve ever been before, which will be a massive step forward in getting out of coal energy


Instead of berating him for not leaving a robust enough comment for your taste, why don’t you ask for more information? Calling capitalists uninformed or rent seekers is way more unfair than alluding to historical or economic evidence to the contrary. The latter clearly leaves itself more open to good faith discourse, getting nothing out of it has simply been a failure on your part


We’ve had states longer than we’ve had history. The father of history, Herodotus, gave us the history of the states of Greece and Persia. “State” doesn’t mean “a US state”


There’s been multiple times that I had an issue with a game launcher on windows bugging out and not being able to play my game, but then seeing it work just fine under linux with proton. There’s still some issues the devs need to work out, but we’re getting to the point that linux is more reliable


You’re not wrong about interest banks, but in regards to inflation you actually have it backwards. Inflation is the expansion of currency, not the rise of prices. Definitions get entangled because inflation causes a rise in prices, and people don’t know better. Expanding the currency increases the market availability of said currency, thus making it less valuable relative to other goods.

Think about the word inflation. If you inflate something, are you raising it, or making it bigger? Inflating a balloon with helium is not the act of raising the balloon, but rather expanding the balloon. That expansion triggers a rise when it’s helium. Likewise, inflating the currency is to expand the amount of currency.

Inflating the currency too much causes there to be too much money chasing not enough goods, as you describe


I’d have a hard time believing that Hitler was super cool with the people who worship a Jew as a god.

Hitler in his table talks: “The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science … Gradually the myths crumble. All that is left to prove that nature there is no frontier between the organic and inorganic. When understanding of the universe has become widespread, when the majority of men know that the stars are not sources of light, but worlds, perhaps inhabited worlds like ours, then the Christian doctrine will be convicted of absurdity.”

Good rule of thumb is to never underestimate Hitler’s ability to hate a group of people lol


I took a look at your comments purely because his reply made me curious. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your comments. The only downvoted comment of yours I saw was that Trudeau has the worst approval rating ever, which is a matter of record, not opinion.

It’s not on you, you’re fine. I’ve had a similar experience here, people just don’t seem to be able to take disagreement as anything less than personal


Might be a regional thing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a new church built in my lifetime. The only churches I see closing down are the ones in small towns that don’t have the population to maintain it anymore.

I’m curious, do you see a trend in the denomination of these pop-up churches?
