All scenes with Empire are great. The rest is abysmal.
When will writers learn that memories are not stored in DNA? If you clone a person and grow them to middle age, they do not als automatically get those memories. That is not science fiction. That is just hogwash.
Yes, Marvel and Lucasfilm seem to have been easier acquisitions, good point. And add Pixar to that.
Fox is another story, I believe. 1) it is much larger, just going by the pirchase price. 2) doesn‘t fox also own a lot of distribution, tv channels, and more? Marvel and Lucasfilm never had their own distribution.
Also, to comment on the OP: if you name the purchase price, you should also name the annual revenue and profit of Fox pre-merger. That should put things in perspective.
It is difficult to mess up a brand like HBO. Maybe they managed it.
The answer is always: Russia does not value human life. Not the live of others, and not even the lives of their own.
I watch these videos every day.