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Jedi Knight 2, the multiplayer lightsaber duels were one of the best gaming experiences I ever had.


No, not really. I think a lot of people just have wrong expectations of what the blackout could actually do. Your average Reddit user doesn’t care about anything that’s going on. They care about consuming their content in the most convenient way. If their main subreddits are closed that isn’t to migrate to a new platform but to a different subreddit. It took 6-7 months for Digg to lose a significant user base of their platform after their terrible changes. The same timeline will apply to Reddit. Expecting it over 2-3 days is just unrealistic.

It would also defeat the purpose of the blackout. The blackout wasn’t to get people to move to a different platform but for Reddit to change its decision. If this is done with a scorched earth strategy Reddit would still die even if they reverse their decision. Right now Reddit still has an easy out of their decision. Rather than being forced to change they can say they merely listened to their passionate user base. They can even come up with a new solution, for example, hiring the Apollo dev to rework their own app. Obviously, Steve Huffman would need to go first for that to be an option. But there are plenty of options available that continue for Reddit to be the most convenient way to spread certain content.

Let’s face it, the current Reddit alternatives lack content. Your average user would get bored here within minutes because there is not much here. It’s inconvenient to find new Magazines. And even if they find one that’s a copy of their favorite subreddit, it’s mostly empty with barely any new posts showing up. At least nowhere near the rate it used to on Reddit.
But luckily people who do create a lot of content are the ones most likely to get fed up with the changes of Reddit. They are more likely to use third-party apps or extensions because the default Reddit version is so bad. It will just take time. Because for now no change can’t be felt. Apollo is even still up and running and so is every other app/extension that uses the API. So the real decline will happen after June 30. That’s the date when users will start to feel the need to migrate.


The same reason why E-Sport and Chess have women’s only leagues. One reason is to just showcase to young girls that there are female athletes in the sport. Having role models is super important for attracting new girls into the sport. And it also makes it easier to connect with other women in the sport. If they are scattered over the multitude of lower Series, there might be 1 or 2 women in a competition. This makes it very hard to build a network of people who go through the same as you.
Having a female-only competition also creates a “safer” space. The amount of hate women get is well above what young boys face. Having some female-only tournaments gives girls and women a place to compete with less discrimination.

But there are/were also some technical reasons. Most cars are built around the average male physique. And the design makes it harder for smaller drivers. Especially steering wheel size is an issue. Support series often lack power steering, and then trying to control the car with a steering wheel that is too big makes it harder. The W series has steering wheels that accommodate female drivers better. Formula 2 listened to these complaints and made some changes to the 2024 season to accommodate smaller drivers more.


At 11 years old any system can work already. If she is interested, D&D or any other mainstream system will work just fine. You just have to guide them through character creation more. Probably limit some choices or even come with pre-created character sheets they can choose from.

But if you want something simple the Core Micro system would work. It’s free and you can download it on itch https://as-if.itch.io/core-micro The rules are very open and can be used for any setting. The stats determine how many dice you roll and you just give them the target number. Depending on how close to the target they are, they will succeed or fail with either something positive or negative happening on top of it.

With a little homebrew, you could even turn it into a Harry Potter setting. Just add an additional 7 attributes that are named after the Harry Potter spell types (Charm, Jinx, Hex, etc.). And then she can either use traditional attributes for checks or magic. Which has the added benefit of giving her always 2 chances to succeed. For example, she has to jump across a gap. If she fails her Grace check and is falling she can still make a Transfiguration spell check to see if she can build a bridge out of something nearby.
And the skill list is already intended to be expanded upon, so you can add stuff like Quidditch, Potion Brewing, or Rune studies.


A healthy diet doesn’t matter more for being fit than exercise. You can eat as healthy as you want but if you don’t exercise you won’t grow muscles. A person mostly eating junk food but working out regularly will be stronger, faster, and better looking.

A healthy diet is important for longevity. And if can speed up your fitness journey but it will never replace what regular exercise does.


On Cebu island which are the best electrical providers?

In the Philippines power companies usually have a monopoly over their area, so you don’t really have a choice. The only times you don’t have a contract with them is if you live in a condo and the condo has a company that manages the entire condo. So you still don’t have a choice because you have to go with them. Which ones are available to you would also depend on the exact place in Cebu you are staying. Different municipalities have different providers.

How do electricity contracts work, do you get locked in for a period of time and then you must use that provider or can you change every month?

Again, since you usually don’t have a choice you can’t change even if you wanted to. But for private use, I am not aware of a minimum contract period.

What type of contracts are there when it comes to price?
Do you pay what the electrical price is per hour as traded on the market or do you pay a daily average, or perhaps something else?
Are there different type of contracts where, for example you pay a fixed electrical price per kilowatt used for as long as the contract says, for example 1 year or perhaps contracts that follow the changes in the market?

The monthly average rate is the norm. Almost everyone I know uses this. Some providers have alternatives. There are options for pre-paid electricity where you can load at specific times. And there is a Peak/Off-Peak rate. Where during Peak hours the rate is higher than the monthly average and during Off-Peak hours it’s below the monthly average. But they aren’t available everywhere.

Additional Info:
If you are renting or buying you usually don’t have to worry about getting electricity. You just take over the existing contract. You can then have the contract modified to put your own name on it. Which is required if you want the bill automatically deducted from your bank account. But many people here still pay manually. They either go to a bills-payment center or transfer the money only or use some kind of online wallet. Many people don’t bother to modify the contract. I never did while renting and I know people who have owned their house for 5 years+ but the electricity bill is still in the name of the person who initially built the house.

Unless you live in a nice condo that has backup generators, I would suggest getting a solar light. Brownouts/Blackouts are still somewhat common and having an additional light source that’s free to use is very handy. I even have an electrical fan hooked up to a solar cell.

Edit: I assume you are not from the Philippines, one major tip that I wish I had when I first moved here. Running hot water is very rare. Even nice looking condos often only have a water heater for the shower. Tap water is often quite warm and I often take a shower without even turning on the water heater, but the lack of hot water was still difficult to get used to. So if running hot water in each sink is important to you, find a condo that offers this service or install a water heater yourself.


And the next 2 pages have lists of utility companies in Cebu, but according to you, a person can only choose one provider except if in condo, are you sure your information is up to date?

I am very confident the information is correct. The first reason why the reason is so lang is as I mentioned earlier different municipalities within Cebu have different energy providers. So if you are in Cebu City you have Visayan Electric Company but if you are in Danao City you have CEBECO2.
The second reason is just that a lot of these companies are owned by the same parent company. For example, Visayan Electric Company is owned by AboitziPower. But so are many of the companies that own a power plant in Cebu, like Therma Visayas, Therma Power-Vsiayas, Cebu Private Power Corproation. They are all part of the AboitziPower corp. But they only deliver power to customers under the Visayan Electric Company franchise.
And even independent power companies would only sell their power to Visayan Electric Company. (That’s not exactly how it works but they only get paid by Visayan Electric Company).

If you check the home pages of most of these sites that have Cebu City listed, you will notice there is no way to sign up for them, except for Visayan Electric Company. And the ones you can find a way to set up a contract will not cover Cebu City. They might still have an office in Cebu City and that’s why they are listed there.

Regarding price, you said monthly average, are you sure about that

I am not 100% sure about that but all I have ever seen was the monthly average rate. All my bills only ever mentioned the monthly average rate. Maybe they calculate it differently but if they do, they aren’t very transparent about it. And even a quick double-check online only shows results for an average monthly rate.

How exactly does one pay, do you get a bill as physical mail and then pay that bill at a center?

Yes, you get it as physical mail each month, but you can also check your bills online in your account. Then you can either pay with online banking, a mobile wallet such as GCash or PayMaya, or you go to a bills center. You can set up automatic payments as well, either have them charge your credit card or debit your bank account. But that only works with some cards and banks.


You can still find a lot on the ShareThread over on 4chan’s tg board. Just read the FAQ PDF, you don’t have to look at the comments. It’s a bit of a hassle to navigate but it’s still frequently updated.


At first I was disgusted by the thought of grape jelly and meat balls but after thinking about it for a while I could see how the flavors might work. I think half a jar with a pre made sauce that’s already quite sweet is too much but I might try using it as a sweetener in homemade sauce. I still don’t expect much but at least I am curious now.

But a 4+ hour dish isn’t no/low cooking and would heat up the house noticably during summer.


Der Staat bzw. die EU und die Platform können weitaus mehr tun als Teenager afuklären helfen würde.

Eine bessere Altersverifizierung würde schon viel bewirken. Derzeit ist es nichteinaml möglich ein Alter geringer als 18 auszuwählen beim Erstellen eines Profiles. Sprich, selbst für naive Kinder die ihr echets Alter angeben würden und einen Warnhinweiß erhalten würde, können derzeit nur über ihr Alter lügen und erfolgreich ein Profil anlegen.

Ich würde sogar einen Schritt weiter gehen und Datings Sites dazu verpflichten die kompletten angegeben Informationen zu verifizieren. Zum Beispiel zu verlangen eine Kopie eines Ausweises hochzuladen. Ich verstehe dass es hier einen Konflikt zwischen Datenschutz, Recht zur Privatsspehere und Schutz von Minderjährigen kommt. Aber Dating Sites dazu verpflichten ist meiner Meinung nach angemessen. Das würde es schwieriger machen für Minderjährige ein Profil anzulegen. Und Sugardaddys sind vermutlich auch weniger bereit sich mit minderjährigen Usern zutreffen wenn deren tatsächlichen Informationen auf der Platofrm hinterlegt sind. Das würde nicht nur Minderjährige schützen, sondern würde auch reguläre User von Scammern und Bots schützen.

Und wenn man das ganze dann noch mit weiteren Online-Verifizierungen kombiniert, kann man da ganz schnell den Riegel vorschieben. KI-Gesteuerete Biometric scans, die Bilder analyiert und potentielle minderjährige Profile identifiziert. Und User-Pattern-Analysis die nach bestimmten Verhaltensmustern ausschau hält.

Teenager aufklären hilft, aber ich bin mir sicher einige minderjährige User erstellen einen Account aus trotz oder weil sie es “besser Wissen”. Und denen kann nur geholfen werden wenn das Erstellen eines Profils schwieriger ist.
