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Like many older fans, I haven’t been into the past couple releases. This single feels very promising, though. I hope they don’t go so far “back to power metal” that they piss off all of their new fans, though, if that makes sense.

Having talked to younger fans who think Talviyo and The Ninth Hour are basically God’s gifts to music, I’d hate to see them hate a new album because it “sounds too much like their old stuff when they weren’t as good”.

Either way, I love seeing these guys still around and Tony sounds pretty good here which is nice to see - I haven’t been particularly impressed by him for a while and it had me worried that he did serious damage to his voice.


That whole scene of Norwegian Black Metal was a wild circus.

Crazy when I stop and think about how damn young they all were, too. Dead was dead by 22, Euronymous was dead by 25, Faust was I think 19 when he committed a random murder because “…I guess he wanted to know what it’s like to kill a person” (according to a band mate).

Just an absolutely crazy little world.


What drives me crazy about this the most is that it was technically public knowledge as far back as the mid-90s, but it was mostly ignored. That man was left out for way too long before anything was taken seriously.


As someone also in their mid 30s, I think a lot of people really misunderstand how the confederate flag was viewed so casually by many people up until recently. It was always offensive to some, but I genuinely was unaware of that as a teen growing up in the 2000s. It was just an image of being kind of edgy and rebellious but I genuinely didn’t think much of it seeing any band using them. Watching Skynyrd or Guns N Roses videos of live concerts? There were “rebel flags” pretty often and I just kind of let it go. It meant nothing to me.

I was in my mid 20s, probably, when it really was explained to me how insensitive that can be. I never associated it with racism or slavery up until that point - and I’m pretty sure that’s the same thought that a lot of these bands had. The absolute best thing to do is exactly as you said: own up to it, change your ways, and grow.


This one gets to me. Not because I liked them that much, but because Justin has always been a dick and I could just write it off as “yeah they were a bunch of dicks but they put on a good show”. An Anti-Flag show in the 2000s, here at least, was one of the few times a punk show wasn’t in a basement somewhere, so it was absolutely THE place to be if you were in the scene. They also frequently had great bands with them so it always made for a great time.

But after the accusations came out it left a real bad taste realizing that he’s probably much more than “just a dick”.


I can very thankfully say that no, no I do not wake up alone.

Well. I wake up before anyone else typically, but I’m in a home with other people.


I don’t have a full list, but I do have an explanation. Here’s from an interview with Chris Jericho

“You know when we had the ‘Order of the Black’ … it’s what is the order? What is the Black Label order? It’s a religion and yes we’re all confused and nobody knows what’s going on and everyone seems to be happy. But you know, cause I’m Catholic, so the whole thing is the running joke would always be that any of our brothers that are Jewish, like Adam who engineers the records, is our favorite Irish Catholic Rabbi engineer. So it’s a sight, and nobody knows what’s going on, but we all seem to be happy. So yeah, it’s because I’m Catholic and it’s a running joke, so it’s Father this and Father that. And there are all the guitar players that we love and musicians, and so obviously anyone who has passed away has gone into sainthood, so it’s Saint Rhoads, Saint Hendrix and stuff like that. And obviously Jimmy Page hasn’t passed, but he’s his own religion anyways, but he’s the pontiff. You have Pope Page … so that’s the running joke we have going.”

Read More: Zakk Wylde Explains His Zakk-isms to Chris Jericho | https://loudwire.com/zakk-wylde-explains-zakk-isms-chris-jericho/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

So basically everyone is Father. If they pass away then they are Saint. With a few exceptions, I suppose. Ozzy, for example, is just “The Boss”.

I even looked into his Instagram account, I know he does birthday posts and after looking for a few minutes here’s the list I’ve got so far.

Father Nuno Bettencourt

Saint Jimi

Father Dave Mustaine

Father Mike Piazza

Father James Hetfield

Saint Jim Marshall

Father John 5

Father Jason Becker

Father Slash

Father Yngwie Malmsteen

Saint Jeff Beck

Saint Les Paul

Father Nick Bowcott

Father Steve Vai

Father Mike Inez

Father Joe Bonamassa

Father Joey Castillo

Father Jerry Cantrell

Saint Vinnie Paul

Fathers Duff and Axl Rose

Saint Ronnie Van Zant

Father James Lomenzo

Father Rob Zombie

Saint Lemmy Kilmeister

Saint Paco DeLucia

Saint Randy Castillo

Saint Dime and Saint Vinnie

Saint Rhoads

Father Mike Bordin

I stopped scrolling Instagram to type this and get back to work but I think you get the idea.
I’ve always loved that he does this. It’s so strangely wholesome but in just the goofiest way.


I have a 100% positive feedback on ebay as a buyer, so that’s cool I guess.

I haven’t driven for Uber in years, but I was a 4.93 (last I can find. I looked for an old screen shot).

I was around Elo 1100 in Age of Empires 2 for a while, but I’m sure I would be lower now (and honestly 1100 isn’t impressive. It’s barely above average, but it’s the only other rating I can think of).

And this made me realize that I’m not rated in many situations on a scale beyond “Hey good job”/“this could be better”.


I think this really is just a personal preference deal. I WANT games with scores and grades. Come on, game, tell me that I’m horrible and that I need to do better! Maybe I’m into the punishment, I don’t know. Played too much Bop It! as a kid and got used to the guy screaming when I messed up.

This is why I play so many arcade style games, and so many rhythm games. This is why communities for speedrunning, rhythm games, and high scores still exist - otherwise I would think I’m completely alone in this 😂


Just to clarify, there is a pay scale. $15 puts your submission in line. $35 puts you in front of the line. $50 I guess means you’re next? Its just lised as the “very front”. So I guess if you’re only willing to shell out $15, you better hope no one has paid 50 or 35.

I can understand that this also benefits from just an onslaught of any old garbage to get reviewed, because I have no doubt that if submissions were free it would be hours of Glenn just skipping through all of the garbage.

I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong I suppose, everyone has to make a living and you have to police content that gets shoved in your face somehow, but I can’t say I’m a huge fan of this set up. Not that I have a better suggestion, though, and I absolutely would hope for a better system than this.

That being said, if I were in a metal band then I would probably throw money his way to see what he said. His channel has a lot of great information that I’ve used over the years.

Go figure, I put the stream on as I’m typing this comment, and he read a comment where someone said they’d love to have their music reviewed but they don’t have any money and in typically Glenn fashion he responded with “then get a job you cheap fuck!”. Which I guess really is kind of how it goes. For a band who is serious about getting input, $50 really isn’t that much. Most bands lose more money than that on many gigs early on anyway, that’s just the nature of the industry. It isn’t necessarily fair - but again, I sure don’t have a better solution. There’s only so much time for people to listen to and review all of the new music being made.
