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The Retro/Vintage thing drives me crazy. Not that I mind words altering their meaning over time, that’s just a fact of language. But searching for things when the two words are used interchangeably half the time is a chore 😂 From what I’ve seen, other hobbies do it a bit better than video games do.

But I’m going to completely agree with the SNES. Early 3D aged so horribly, if you ask me. As much as I loved my N64 back in the day, it is easily my least used console and mostly just collects dust.


The obligation to stay on Facebook for things like this is so frustrating at times. It feels like LinkedIn, where I have it because it’s the only place to get some information.


I’ve recently gotten into model building, in the sense of buying those sheets of pieces that need cut out and snapped or glued together. like this

The issue I have is that I’m not really into most of the things they make models of. Most model kits in this style tend to be classic cars, military vehicles, or anime/Gundams. Not that there’s anything wrong with those things, they’re just not particularly interesting to me.

But I can spend hours just browsing the model kits on websites like big bad toys


There’s the whole “it’s so bad it’s good” mentality, but The Room is so insufferably bad that it goes way passed the “it’s good” part and just goes to being one of the most irritating movies I’ve ever seen.

Add on the weird cult following and it just gets worse, to me.


I’ll be honest I completely forgot about the Chinese instructions because I set mine up quite a few years ago! That’s a good warning to add on there, thank you!


I’m an idiot and i didn’t even catch that, thank you! I’ll edit it


So I’ll preface this with - here’s an example of how it turned out for me. Chuck E Cheese I’m 1994?

A big part of saving VHS tapes is that you can only save what the tape still has, so if the tape was poor quality already then you can only pull so much out of it. But if this kind of quality is reasonable for you, then this was done very easily.

I used an I-O Data GV-USB2 Video, they run about $50 USD. I recorded the video through OBS, which is a free program. Just plugged VCR into the I-O GV-USB2, hit recorded on OBS, and hit play on the vcr.

All of the upscaling is great but I think the cost-quality difference wasn’t worth it considering the low quality of many of our home movies anyway. You can do better than what I have, and if it’s worth the cost then absolutely go for it. But for 50 bucks I saved all of my family’s old home videos on a hard drive and burned them to dvds and that’s more than good enough for me.


It is a Halloween tradition of mine to play through at least one game in the Ghosts 'n Goblins series every October and the past few years I’ve been branching out into ports of the games that I wasn’t previously familiar with.

This list and write up so absolutely incredible and it’s nice to see someone share a lot of my thoughts on them.

Especially with your

I start a lot of these Spectrum sections with “you’ll have to trust me on this…”

This is pretty much what I have to do, too. “I promise, it looks weird but it’s actually really good” is how I have to explain my love for the ZX Spectrum in general.


Hey now. York isn’t THAT bad, even though a Google search for “York PA” has a video called “York Pennsylvania Sucks” as one of the top results…


To keep it soiler free, the specifics don’t matter. I read fan translations of the manga Attack On Titan because I got tired of waiting for the anime to be dubbed or released or whatever. So I finished the series a long while ago.

My brother has been watching the anime as it gets released. I’ve been saving memes I found about it and after the next section comes out I’ll send them to my brother.

Well. One time I over estimated how far the anime had gotten and sent him a couple memes of events that he hadn’t seen yet.

Now that I think about it, I also spoiled Hereditary in about the same way, through memes. I sent a couple in a group chat that reference


the telephone pole scene, if you’ve seen it you know. Not a huge plot spoiler but it did ruin the shock value I guess.

forgetting that one person in the group chat hasn’t watched it yet but was planning on watching it soon.
