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I seriously do not understand how removing numbers was a good idea. That, more than anything, was when I practically stopped watching altogether.


I think the most famous person that I share a name with is a very famous serial killer.

I already think the fascination with serial killers is incredibly weird (this is putting ut lightly), but the past 5-10 years has only seen it become even more mainstream. My response to anyone referencing the killer to me, because of my name, is very stern and very simple:

If you can’t tell me who the victims were, then shut up about it. At least have the decency to pretend you actually care about the events and not just the “oh how weird and creepy” factor.


I have a 100% positive feedback on ebay as a buyer, so that’s cool I guess.

I haven’t driven for Uber in years, but I was a 4.93 (last I can find. I looked for an old screen shot).

I was around Elo 1100 in Age of Empires 2 for a while, but I’m sure I would be lower now (and honestly 1100 isn’t impressive. It’s barely above average, but it’s the only other rating I can think of).

And this made me realize that I’m not rated in many situations on a scale beyond “Hey good job”/“this could be better”.


So I’ll preface this with - here’s an example of how it turned out for me. Chuck E Cheese I’m 1994?

A big part of saving VHS tapes is that you can only save what the tape still has, so if the tape was poor quality already then you can only pull so much out of it. But if this kind of quality is reasonable for you, then this was done very easily.

I used an I-O Data GV-USB2 Video, they run about $50 USD. I recorded the video through OBS, which is a free program. Just plugged VCR into the I-O GV-USB2, hit recorded on OBS, and hit play on the vcr.

All of the upscaling is great but I think the cost-quality difference wasn’t worth it considering the low quality of many of our home movies anyway. You can do better than what I have, and if it’s worth the cost then absolutely go for it. But for 50 bucks I saved all of my family’s old home videos on a hard drive and burned them to dvds and that’s more than good enough for me.


If you ever try, or even have tried, good enough.


As someone also in their mid 30s, I think a lot of people really misunderstand how the confederate flag was viewed so casually by many people up until recently. It was always offensive to some, but I genuinely was unaware of that as a teen growing up in the 2000s. It was just an image of being kind of edgy and rebellious but I genuinely didn’t think much of it seeing any band using them. Watching Skynyrd or Guns N Roses videos of live concerts? There were “rebel flags” pretty often and I just kind of let it go. It meant nothing to me.

I was in my mid 20s, probably, when it really was explained to me how insensitive that can be. I never associated it with racism or slavery up until that point - and I’m pretty sure that’s the same thought that a lot of these bands had. The absolute best thing to do is exactly as you said: own up to it, change your ways, and grow.


Necessity, multiple times. I had incredible luck out of college - and by that I mean that places I worked at kept closing or getting bought out by other companies and doing major layoffs. I kept going back to my fast food job I had in college because it was better than nothing. I went back 4 separate times before I found a job that didn’t close within a year.

So it wasn’t exactly by choice!


Just to clarify, there is a pay scale. $15 puts your submission in line. $35 puts you in front of the line. $50 I guess means you’re next? Its just lised as the “very front”. So I guess if you’re only willing to shell out $15, you better hope no one has paid 50 or 35.

I can understand that this also benefits from just an onslaught of any old garbage to get reviewed, because I have no doubt that if submissions were free it would be hours of Glenn just skipping through all of the garbage.

I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong I suppose, everyone has to make a living and you have to police content that gets shoved in your face somehow, but I can’t say I’m a huge fan of this set up. Not that I have a better suggestion, though, and I absolutely would hope for a better system than this.

That being said, if I were in a metal band then I would probably throw money his way to see what he said. His channel has a lot of great information that I’ve used over the years.

Go figure, I put the stream on as I’m typing this comment, and he read a comment where someone said they’d love to have their music reviewed but they don’t have any money and in typically Glenn fashion he responded with “then get a job you cheap fuck!”. Which I guess really is kind of how it goes. For a band who is serious about getting input, $50 really isn’t that much. Most bands lose more money than that on many gigs early on anyway, that’s just the nature of the industry. It isn’t necessarily fair - but again, I sure don’t have a better solution. There’s only so much time for people to listen to and review all of the new music being made.


On one hand I am always amazed at what kids can learn and latch onto in the weirdest ways. So I have no doubt that a lot can be learned through context. Watching movies can absolutely demonstrate a seemingly endless scenarios in a way that can be understood.

However, as someone raising a child, let me tell you how often I have to stop and explain that certain things are not real just because there’s a video of it. Or how many words are being used incorrectly because they were heard in one context that was misunderstood.

I think a child who only had media to teach them, with no one to correct things, would have an endless amount of misunderstandings - nevermind the amount of things they’d believe that are entirely fictional. Basically, no, this kid would be screwed.
