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So if I understand correctly, washing hands does several things–

  1. physical exfoliation, which removes some portion of the outer skin layer, along with any bacteria or micro-organisms riding along, 2) by using soap, a base is introduced which temporarily changes the pH of the skin’s natural acidic layer (which is defensive against germs), 3) soap being antibacterial in nature, additional bacteria that remain are killed.

So yeah, good question about how much of an impact frequent hand-washing makes in terms of healthy bacterial biome. I would speculate that in terms of the overall skin layer health, not much. But in terms of ingested germs, especially if one is eating with their hands, such as a sandwich, pizza, etc, I would guess there would be the bigger impact.

source: just a layperson!


What I’m missing at the moment is the ability to build “MultiReddits,” i.e. specific groupings of communities for when I want to browse by theme. For example, back on Reddit, my “Sports” M-R included the subs: NBA, MMA and general sports.

Right now on Lemmy, it looks like one can browse communities by either: Subscribed, Local, and All, but nothing else. Am I missing something, tho?


Not only do I lament the platforms I use that have already gone to shit (hi Amazon, Goodreads, Reddit, and Youtube)

Not sure I follow all that, given that it was posted in early February.

For example-- my problem with Amazon is that a percentage of their product is counterfeit, and they don’t care to fix that, but their sales platform itself works about as well as ever.

With YouTube, I don’t see a major issue. I can still keep favorites and remove sources I don’t like from my feed, and that’s about all I ever asked for, or wanted.

And with Reddit, up until Huffman going full dictator recently, the site was arguably far-and-away the best social media/content platform on the 'Net. And yes-- I realise now that it had deeper issues with mod teams being promised things for years without delivery, but as a user and small-content contributor, I’m not sure what more I could have hoped for.

So I’d be curious to know what the author’s specific criticisms were at that point, i.e. early FEB.


Until the Fediverse becomes much larger than it currently is, ditto the robustness of communities here, there’s really not much choice for users like me but to keep visiting both sites for the time being.


Dozens & dozens. For example, I currently have 14 multi-reddits set up. One of them that I’ve named “flood” contains the subs below.

/r/altcomixx /r/AmerExitx /r/AmItheAssholex /r/Aquariumsx /r/AskRedditx /r/badhistoryx /r/catsonglassx /r/cfsx /r/Chinax /r/ChoosingBeggarsx /r/ColorizedStatuesx /r/comicstriphistoryx /r/fuckHOAx /r/graphicnovelsx /r/guineapigsx /r/HobbyDramax /r/howitsmadex /r/HybridAnimalsx /r/IDOWORKHERELADYx /r/IndianCountryx /r/japanx /r/japanlifex /r/kidsinthehallx /r/KitchenConfidentialx /r/KITHx /r/learnfrenchx /r/mashx /r/minipaintingx /r/Miniworldsx /r/Nipponx /r/OldSchoolRidiculousx /r/PixelArtx /r/plantclinicx /r/PoliticalHumorx /r/PropagandaPostersx /r/puzzlesx /r/reclaimedbynaturex /r/slavelabourx /r/spelunkyx /r/spicyx /r/StartledCatsx /r/Survivalx /r/ThriftStoreHaulsx /r/TwoXChromosomesx /r/vintageadsx /r/whatsthisbirdx /r/whatsthisbugx /r/whatsthisplantx /r/youarefiredx

AFAIK there is currently no way to do the equivalent of multi-reddits in Lemmy, which is basically a way to do custom-themed streams of content.


Thanks for explaining. Makes it quite clear that I’m an unpower-user when it comes to YouTube. :S


This seems like the right approach.

Also, as a small-time content creator, for the time-being I plan on posting original content here (such as graphic novel reviews & high-quality samples), then link the Lemmy posts over to Reddit. Over time, hopefully that will draw some percentage of Reddit users over here to view the content.


I use a browser extension called “uMatrix” to prevent being tracked if I don’t want to be. It shares similarities with ad-blockers, but turns one in to a power-user of sorts by identifying each instance of 3rd party sites (like FB and google most commonly) adding java code to whatever page I’m visiting. It allows me to pick and choose whatever 3rd party code I want to run.

I’ve also been using classic AdBlock for YT for years now, with little issue. Whenever YT occasionally tries to change their anti-adblock detections, the extension is swiftly patched to keep working.

Yes, I understand not everyone wants to take the effort to set protections like that up, but it’s frankly a microscopic amount of effort compared to the pleasing results.


Yes, yes, Javascript. Point is, the extension works nicely once you get the hang of it.

IIUC, user data commonly gets passed between large 3rd party sites, such as Yahoo, Google (including YT) & FB, and quite possibly Amazon & Twitter. So, if you slip up and let some insertion code run on a page, some of your searches & activity there can wind up getting passed on to other services, which can show up seemingly randomly at other sites you visit. I don’t know that it’s very mysterious at this point.

Makes sense. On the user side, the idea’s not all that different from sitting down in front of a TV and mindlessly flipping channels for hours, which has been a thing for many decades of course.


Appreciate the reply!

Do you possibly have alternative ideas on where best to post my new content? It bothers me that if I want it to get seen, I might have to spam a dozen generic comics communities. Thing is, I’m not sure there’s any good alternative right now.

And I forgot to mention above my idea to -also- post new Lemmy content back to Reddit, to help get eyes over here. I’m hopeful that if enough of us do it over time, it could really help shift userbases.

Btw, I added two more points to the OP, altho they’re a bit gloomier in nature. :/
