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Juice [none/use name]
6 posts • 332 comments
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I don’t believe that a few surgery and silicone enhanced bougie butts would pwn the legions of thicc proletarian posteriors. We’re thick like outmeal in these streets, the spoon stand up


Yeah. I mean I looked at this comprehensive mental health treatment infrastructure, available and accessible to all people in the USA, and I says to myself, “you know, this is all real nice, having all of these specialists working to make sure that people are educated and empowered to make decisions about their own treatment. Now that all stigma around pain management and mental health have been replaced by programs that improve peoples lives, there’s no barriers anymore to self actualization. I could be a productive member of society and reap the benefits of my production so as to improve my own life as well as the lives of those around me.” But then I figured I could just go get high instead, so now I worship Satan and hate America


Harlan County, USA is such a good movie. Its fine and cool to be like, “I’m a marxist-leninist-communist” in our little rooms in front of our little screens, but watching a room full of miner’s wives cheer when another gets up and says “We have nothing to lose but our chains!” while participating in self-organized worker’s councils, it really made me reconsider what it means to be communist.

Also, Norma Rae, a movie about labor organizing starring Sally Fields is the only movie I’ve encountered that isn’t on Amazon to stream. I can stream the 4k remaster of Cannibal Holocaust, I can rent the 1988 revisionist Tank film The Beast. But not a good movie with a famous actress, that would be communism to sell that ig


Real impressed by all the armchairs ITT who are the real DSA understanders, not those of us who spent 3 months planning for the convention and pulled 16-18 hour days all weekend trying to improve the org (which we got a good start on) and network with other leftists to bring resources and support back to the workers organizing in our cities. You all are the real leftists, I dont know what we would do without your keyboards.

If you weren’t at the commie caucus party at UE hall raising money for striking workers in Erie, if you werent on the picket line supporting striking queer nightclub workers, if you spent this weekend watching anime and still have the energy to post a priori bullshit that you think makes you a radical, save yourself the energy and just


Critical support to white people in keffiyehs


Sorry to hear about your experiences, comrade. It sounds really frustrating. Ive been put off by orgs before and it feels like a real defeat.

Maybe I’ll learn the same lessons, but this is where my journey has led me so far. And we have helped people form unions and take actions against their bosses, and tonight the mobilized left in my state scored an honest to god (intermediate) victory for reproductive care access. Theres the fight for lgbtq+ especially attacks on trans people. Maybe I can’t change the org but I can organize locally and work with a crew. And I’m in a caucus so I do participate in national DSA politics. Dont hold your breath but the org is changing. I guess what is yet to be seen is what kind of reaction will there be, and from where?


Sartre’s intro is bad and contributes nothing skip or read it later.
