Dutch writer. Chief editor at Follow the Money, an independant platform for investigative journalism, since 2018. Personal website: www.spaink.net. Typos mostly due to multiple sclerosis (bad coordination).
My fave subreddit has not participated in the balackout and I hate to leave it - I’ve learned so much there. I’ll probably set up a similar community here, but arguably there will be far less people posting & reading for the coming months, and thus: less knowledgeable responses.
But I expect the end of the month, and the accompanying ban of external apps and mod tools, to create a new influx. I’ll stay in that subreddit to pijt people towards Lemmy.
I get lots of NSFW-followers, who then turn out to have been banned / deleted.
Can you explain this part of your post?
Once the meter indicates zero, I wait 4 days before refilling to the “optimal” level on the meter.
That sounds like it’s dry for four days? Have you tried watering it immediately once the meter hits zero?
Very nice!