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At first, rapid heart rate, feeling unreasonably nervous to see them then overjoyed when you do. Happy to just gaze at them for hours or getting lost in their eyes.

Sometimes that dulls a bit with time (sometimes not) and is supplemented by feeling connected to them always and wanting to include them in your life. Wanting to do anything to make them smile and make them feel seen. And feeling seen yourself.


AI is decent for writing, but a terrible choice for math.


Not too sure, but when I was younger I wanted to fit in and picking colorful stuff made that harder. Id worry about it being on trend, or masculine enough, etc. Now that I’m in my 30s I said fuck it and am getting more colorful.

Doesn’t help that I grew up with a mother who refuses to paint her walls anything but off-white or pale green for resale value. There was so little character.


Daily: Phone, wallet, car/house keys

Frequently also: bike keys, yubikey, Miyoo Mini (retro handheld), pocket knife (varies, but usually a Leatherman Squirt), and a small flashlight.


I have no desire to change.

I’m sure an iPhone would be a completely acceptable phone for me but I have no problems with android that iOS would solve. My phone already does everything I want it to do and more.

And I don’t want to re-learn what all the best apps are. I already found great ones for what I need and I know many of them would be different on iOS. No need for me to go through that relearning.

More than that though, I love that my android can do USB OTG and allow me to plug in flash drives, SD cards, game controllers, and Ethernet adapters. I love that i can change the home screen app to entirely change the interface. I like that I can root it when it’s getting slow to debloat it a bunch, or do thorough backups, or fuck around with app files. I love that the dev ecosystem doesn’t require a yearly subscription.


Sometimes you have to make a tradeoff and focus on the golden path, which means comprehensive testing has to be skipped or bugs have to be explicitly left in.

Yes it’s bad. Yes it sucks. But it’s that or nothing gets released at all.

(I wish it wasn’t that way. I try hard to make sure it isn’t that way at my job, but for now that’s how it is)



You’ll get better stories from someone’s deathbed than from someone’s suicide note. At the end of their life what do they regret, what are they happy they did, what advice do they have to give.

I don’t expect suicide notes to be filled with “if only I studied harder, then I wouldn’t have to end it all”.


even though i might indulge in activities that are pleasurable for me now, they add up to nothing

I know this isnt what you’re asking for, but I have to wholeheartedly disagree with this (unless you’re talking about drugs, wanking all day long, or something like that). Creating joy in your life isnt a bad thing and has long term benefits. It helps to overcome burnout and extreme fatigue, it gives you something to live for, it allows you a place to find what matters to you. It can help you be MORE productive tomorrow by letting yourself rest today.

Taking some time away from a problem, from studying, or from work lets your brain work through problems subconsciously that you can’t grasp consciously.

It’s like sleep. Sure, you can’t be productive during sleep, but you still need it to survive and to take on the next day stronger.

Enjoying yourself isn’t wasteful.


Regularly. There are three potential routes I can take to work and which one is best depends highly on the traffic that hour.

I usually only need to glance at the map for the first turn to see which route it picked for me and after that I really only glance at the arrival time.
