
KhanCipher [none/use name]

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Like I get it, but the way I see it is that this is being blown way out of proportion and making them look like manchildren because they were being only slightly inconvenienced.


It does have flaws, it plays like an action game masquerading as mech game. Yes, when I play a mech game I want tank controls to be the only control scheme. I wanted the mech game roots with AC6 god damnit, I don’t want to have to keep relying on PGI to keep making mechwarrior titles because that seems to be the only place I can get the mech game feel (beyond playing the older mechwarrior and armored core titles again which I’ve done so again and again.)

Don’t get me wrong here, as an action game it’s simply okay nothing ground breaking. But if judged as a mech game, AC6 is pretty far down in the dredges of awfulness.


I know a lot of people in rural communities absolutely think cops are practically useless, hell we had a case here that a police dept in a small town 10mi north of me got busted for corruption this past year. And everyone pretty much cheered that they got busted because they had really bad rep.

But these people also seem to think big cities are crime ridden hell holes and cops are necessary there.


I probably wrote that very sloppily, but I was more pointing out the federation had always been on some incredibly shaky ground morally speaking.

Edit: the charitable interpretation is that Wolf-359 was the reality check to get Starfleet to stop using the Miranda class.


I also forgot something else, during this time in trek there were some let’s say very interesting interpretations of the prime directive. So if the federation and Starfleet knew about the cardassian’s brutal occupation of Bajor before Wolf-359 even happened, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if they publicly took issue with it and privately didn’t do much because it would be “messing with an internal matter of another nation”. Which is one of the things the PD prohibits doing.

Edit: Good god do I want to go on a rant at how useless the prime directive is on a morality level.


If I recall, the whole thing why the federation and cardassian cold war didn’t really go hot (like sure they were skirmishes here and there) was because Starfleet was still firmly in recovery mode from Wolf-359 at the time. Which eventually led to the demilitarization zone between the federation and cardassia, and which caused the federation and cardassian colonists in said dmz to start their own war themselves.

The whole thing with Bajor ended up falling into that because again, Wolf-359 really fucked Starfleet up.


Not what I’m talking about, like there’s a whole bunch of localized versions of this and the box is pretty much the same with the name changed


There’s a lot more of these out there, with the exact same box and graphic design. From what i’ve been able to find just from 5 minutes of searching is that they’re made by Late For The Sky Production Co. When I saw the picture in the OP I instantly recognized the design of it from the one that was made for the small local city where I live.


I know you’re all laughing at the name of this board game, but these knock off monopoly board games are pretty god damn depressing, and just not funny at all if you actually look into it. Especially since I know there’s a lot more of these local themed monopoly games out there, and in practically the nearly the exact same box and graphic design. The one in the OP is for Cumming, GA.


f35 is supposed to be stealthy but China can already track it.

You do know that’s pretty normal for stealth fighters, right?

Like to explain this as far as I know the F-117 is to date still the fighter that is the most stealthy, and it still technically shows up on radars, just that it’s radar signature is a lot smaller than a normal jet. Which how stealth fighters work is that they minimize the radar signature that is received back by radar systems, either by shape (which is why the F-117 looks the way it does), and or special coating on the panels itself which absorb the radar signals being sent out by the radar installation on the ground or from other aircraft. The point of it to essentially trick the other guy into thinking that what they’re reading on radar isn’t a fighter jet. And this doesn’t get into the several ways you can essentially trick the opposing radar into not seeing you regardless of the plane doing it is a stealth fighter or not.

There’s plenty to dunk on with the F-35 (like all the cost overruns, the fact that it seems to only be able to fly in good weather), but saying that anyone can track is incredibly misleading.
