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IF no one has thought of it, has it really been rejected?


with no reason

… If only there was a reason like everyone getting an extra 1000 dollars a month… Oh wait.


Most of them will accept slightly lower rents to keep the property occupied constantly.

They might, but Demand is high enough in California they’re still raising rates. Demand doesn’t change because of this. Supply doesn’t change. But the amount of available cash that a rents has will have changed, which means the market will change accordingly.


If people aren’t living lay heck to paycheck, afraid of where the next meal comes from

You’re not solving the problem of the UBI being eaten up by what they already have to pay for as everything just gets a bit more pricy.

You have this VERY strange idea of what a landlord is. A landlord’s needs are already met, that’s why he has multiple properties.

… and it’s not a trivial difference. A Stimulus check is NOT UBI, it’s limited in who gets it, and it’s a one time payment, so it’s quickly spent whether on needs or wants, and then it’s gone. UBI is a ongoing payment meaning that the market will adjust to the new money everyone has every month. So you can’t compare the two. well you can but you just look foolish… which you’re doubling down on.

It’s not pedantic to point out that one time payments and continual payments change everything in different ways, but absolutely change the market in different ways… If you think that you might need to go back to school and get a basic economics class.


Oops I misunderstood the direction. (I think it was if the employee deems they misbehaved. (I assumed “It” was the employee, not SpaceX. More obvious in hindsight I guess, my bad.)


That’s kind of the point I was making. (She was the one who didn’t get away with it)


And you burn bridges pretty quickly.

Listen, I get the modern mentality of “If women don’t want to date you who cares if you scare them away.” but having friends is more important to dating someone so maybe building a social network is better than just rushing to date every girl you meet. Besides if a guy has no female friends, probably

If the other person thinks it’s just a friendly hang and you abruptly context switch into a sexual/romantic thing,

Yeah the key is you don’t treat it as a sexual/romantic thing at first, if you’re both interested, there will be SOME clue or at least get to know her first., rather than trying to date her immediately. This isn’t a speed run competition, you can take some time to get to know people.

There was 8 years where I “tried to be clear”… guess what, I ended up with 1 female friend because most women don’t want someone who tries to date them to hang around with them. And that was long before this whole incel/friendzone shit was popular. If you meet a girl and immediately try to date her, that’s the biggest of red flags.

But go do you, just don’t be surprised that “Being direct” keeps biting you in the ass.


“No it’ll be so people can go be artists, and be writers and be…”

There are legit people who believe that.

And it’s not like this money appears magically the government will need to find ways to pay for this, we still haven’t solved that problem but even if we did, we’ll see that 1000 doesn’t change everyone’s situation. Stupid people will still be poor because they spend too much money. The rich will save their money, but the middle class and lower middle won’t change much because ultimately, 1000 dollars will eventually be factored into the new price of everything.


more people spending money overall helps the economy

The idea behind this only works IF more people are spending. If Rent jumps that money goes to the landlord, who may (but probably won’t) spend the extra money, and it doesn’t benefit everyone.

I forget the term, but there’s an idea that talks about how many people/businesses touch money. So if you create a dollar into an economy (you can’t create money with out causing problems but let’s pretend it’s magic) if that money goes into a person’s bank it’s probably a bad thing. If that money goes through 10 people’s hands, you’re getting taxation on it in every place which is a good thing (for the government). Problem is landlords are usually well off (at least well enough to own more than one property). They might not be “mega rich” but they almost certainly will save that money, rather than spend it.

Besides which stimulus checks are a one time payment… not exactly the same as UBI.


If there was no external stimulus, they would have a slam dunk case. When every gas station jacks the price up 20 cents because the price of oil goes up, it’s just the market.

Put 1000 dollars in everyone’s pocket, every (smart) landlord will react and change their prices accordingly. That’s not “Collusion”, and the DoJ will never be able to make a case. That’s just landlords paying attention to what happened in the world.
