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Hell yea brother! All aboard the Královec express! :D


In my experience none is safe from the anime pic disease, not even me. If I think about stereotypical pfp for overly political people, bleached statues and sunglasses on old paintings and the right is definitely a trend.


Well somebody needs to initiate it, and girls are terrible at telling you that they aren’t interested, because they’re scared ya might not take it well. Like rightfully so, there are many men like that. It’s a thing many men struggle with, how to approach women without coming across as a creep. Like not even in a romantic setting, just in general.


That’s 45 people a month that wouldn’t have to ever work again in their entire lives and maybe even their kids if they invest it smartly. Or ya know, lift hundreds of families from poverty each month. Instead it shall go into Trump’s crime empire, money go BRRRR.


Very handy but cursed at the same time. I’m torn.


Violence has no place in a functional democracy. I’d argue it was barely “functional” before, but now it’s no longer a “democracy” either. A democracy requires power to belong to the people. MAGA doesn’t allow that and enacts laws 70% of the country doesn’t agree with. A democracy requires checks and balances. MAGA doesn’t allow that by giving its members imunity from those laws.

If Trump was in prison, I wouldn’t even care. But we live in a world where he committed (and vocally plans to continue) soo many crimes the only way out for him was the supreme court declaring him above law. US democracy isn’t under threat, it is in purgatory and future events will decide if it can be rebuilt or left to rot for the foreseeable future.

The fact that his lawyers can argue he should be able to eliminate political rivals should have been a wakeup call to everyone, it’s sad it wasn’t, now it only cements the new world MAGA wishes to establish. I remember a time where planing to eliminate the current/former president was an act of treason, we no longer live in that world, because MAGA showed there’s no repercussions.

As for stopping people from voting for assholes, that’s literally all about reform. People need to be educated to think for them selves. Currently the school system just teaches to recite facts from a book and praise the flag. Not to mention we live in a hierarchy from birth, be it family, school and then work, until we die we must kiss somebody’s ass. And then we are expected to participate in a democracy? Most people have never seen such a thing!


So it’s only bad when it’s “political” and an “assassination”. As long as it’s behind closed doors or indirect it’s A-ok, gotcha… As long as you got the government and supreme court covering your ass it’s fine… /s

I’m not trying to justify political violence, I’m trying to point out that we’re way past the point of no return. Even if we manage to vote out Trump and he steps down quietly (even tho he constantly says he won’t go down peacefully and demonstrated his stubbornness to comply with democracy countless times), the system still needs major reform if we don’t want a repeat of this whole mess next election. MAGA established a new norm that erodes the possibility of a democracy. We have somebody with more crimes under his belt than I can count at the top with his lawyers arguing he should be allowed to assassinate political rivals! They can say this AND NO-ONE IS LAUGHING EM OUT THE BUILDING! This would be unimaginable 10 years ago, but it is the world we live in now, the world MAGA created and wishes to further peruse.


How come Trump isn’t in prison then if violence is so bad? That monster moved waves of people to kill for him and destroyed countless lives even before ever becoming president. And now that his crimes can no longer be hidden or defended the supreme court rules him immune from the law. There is no peaceful status quo to go back to, we’re way past that point! He continues to openly contribute and endorse mass murder and we still pretend like there’s some peace to go back to, it’s too late. Trump and his cabal have destroyed all semblance of “rule of law”, they established that might makes right and thus no law can be used to stop him.


As a cis man, I’m confused. I mean I just dream about my self, do people sometimes not? Like I at most have altered memories in dreams, but it’s still fundamentally me.


As much as I don’t want to encourage this, because it’s not the US I want to exist, but I feel like we’re quite past that point. Trump and his cabal have more blood on their hands than we could possibly imagine, and they intend to keep going further and further, very openly too. History has show us time and time again how “democracies” fall, the ruling liberals being “tolerant” and allowing this shit to happen while claiming that THEY are TOTALLY winning. Since the democrats aren’t even going to bother with any real campaigning or compromising to appeal to the people, what else is left? We are getting dangerously close to a kill or be killed scenario.
