You think that’s you disconnecting from the RP? What do you think dispatchers are thinking about when on those calls?
Precordial catch
You should definitely assemble a new scene with this one as a casualty on the ground! It looks very naturally damaged.
This is my hole! It was made for [MY CHICKEN SOUP]
I’m going to go a different direction and argue that the RS232 has always been the most androgynous and third-sex of the connectors because:
- the female connector is most frequently the one that’s a cable
- the male connector is most frequently directly connected to an appliance
- the male has the pin prongs, but is almost always recessed.
- the female connector has the the prong holes, but almost always juts out.
Who’s connecting to who? Who’s the top and who’s the bottom? Who wears the pants? No one knows.
Since guns weren’t rifled yet, this gun increased your chances of hitting one guy to almost eighty percent!
Eh, I think you might think heat pumps are more complicated than they are. I think they’re about as complicated as a furnace. At the end of the day, in both your just pumping a gas from one place to another, changing the state of the gas, and then running that past air to heat or cool it.