
LegionEris [she/her]

13 posts • 481 comments

Leading a one woman branch of the Erisian Liberation Front! In love with almost everything all the time.

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This is fairly common in both depression and ADHD, so maybe check on them? Like, make sure they are personally okay. Someone who needs to be consistently stimulated is probably uncomfortable at rest. Being bored all the time is something I struggle with personally. I have ADHD and depression and trauma. Addressing and working on those things helps immensely with the chronic boredom. When I’m more depressed or anxious, I’m more easily bored and crave more stimulation. So, yeah, play Ted Lasso and check in on them.


I can’t really be cursed to begin with. I run a zero faith build, so unless I find myself structurally cursed I’m pretty safe, and structural curses are easy to figure out at least. You either disrupt the structure or remove yourself from it.


I am already an active practicing Discordian. My work is religious. Every day I distribute a substance that uproots the normal workings of the mind. Hail Eris! Hail Yourself!


I have a Tsunami grinder that is excellent. It doesn’t get gritty and stiff to turn from kief like most grinders I’ve had.


Bummer. I really like the direction they’ve been going. Make it weirder. Make it more uncomfortable.


None. I wish I could see more content. Not enough is made of the fact that you only see content your instance is already connected to. Part of my frustration with the platform is that I joined a neutral instance to have as much content as possible, but relatively little of it is shuffled to me in the all feed. I like discovering new things online. I hate the catch 22 of federation content access, where being on a large enough instance to be certain you’re well connected means being on an instance that has blocked a lot of content to appease its larger userbase.


Conversely, I am not LGBTQ+ and I don’t need to be in their space. They get to deal with normies all the time in everyday life.

Tbh this experience explains the be nice rule. We often get to be treated badly in everyday life. Many of us experience a passive level of hostility and interrogation just out in the world living our lives. A portion of people internalize a portion of what they hear, which leads to hostility and conflict within the community. To counter the flow of outside hate into the group, many LGBTQ+ communities have that sort of blanket tone rule. When you’re sorting out that you’re a different and controversial type of person, it’s important to have a space to express yourself without intense scrutiny. You need a place where it is safe to be wrong, because you’re often declared wrong and attacked just for being there, so you can’t judge your own thoughts and feelings. It’s important that people in that position can be helped and directed without being stifled. Otherwise the true form of the self can be lost to self defense conformity.


I love Ari Aster movies. Hereditary makes me feel like I’m going to puke. We own all three of his movies on Blu Ray, including a special edition director’s cut of Midsommar with a bunch of little dicks on the spine. Beau is Afraid only kind of fits the topic, but it’s probably my favorite of the three.


If you’re of OG Futurama age, King of the Hill is pretty good about not being transphobic. I will always love Hank refusing to speak to Peggy’s friend Caroline when she answered the phone in boy mode. No, he’s looking for his wife’s friend Caroline. Please don’t try to confuse him with stories about who she used to be. He used to sell jeans, and only people close to him know that.
