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I am not sure. I want to keep the signal clean for live playing (avoiding interference, ground loop buzz, etc). I don’t need studio level noise reduction but also I want to maintain signal fidelity to a reasonable degree so that there’s no tone bottlenecks in my already expensive rig. Because I am an audiophile I am okay investing within reason to avoid unnecessary harmonic loss.

Part of my motivation for this splitter was that it had direct pass through on one out and a ground lift switch on the other two. I want more control over my output just in case the FOH hardware has something funky happening. I know Y-cables are another option but I got the splitter used for a lower price than Y so it was a no brainier. Getting/modding a second one is the next consideration.


Huge. But in a controversial way… I went with a Line 6 Helix. Currently wrangling the beast and comparing to my old setup. I think there’s a ton of potential but you have to be okay getting flooded with options and in that whirlwind maintain good discipline to still work towards your goals. Luckily I’ve been really enjoying the process and the tone I’m able to get with it!


Good stuff! I love to see the different directions everyone goes in on their journey for tone. Also I appreciate the general organization, which I know from experience takes way more time than we want to admit. I also never routed my cables underneath since I had a flat board, but it was never as clean as yours. After using my board I feel like an angled setup is way more practical to have since the front and back row can be on a different plane which makes fumbling around for the right switch just a tad easier, it looks like you kind of have that going by can’t tell.

Since you said you might make another board I figured I’d let you know I’m selling some of my pedals right now. I have a TC Electronics Chorus, TC Electronics Reverb, MXR Delay w/ ring mod, MXR Dyna Compressor, Ernie Ball VP 6180, Dunlop Cry Baby Wah, and Boss DS-1 Keeley Mod. If you want any of them let me know!

Thanks for sharing your rig. Rock on!


Totally agreed. “Let’s describe her physical appearance multiple times in detail while only mildly blurring her photos” Seems like they are reaching for content.


Whoa, DacoTaco themself! I instantly recognized your name from the homebrewing fun I had with it last year. Thank you for all of you efforts on the WiiU!

If I had more time I’d love to have contributed to homebrew software but I’m just glad you’ve been able to make the sacrifice for the rest of us. In an increasingly corporate video game world where extracting the last penny is prioritized over the passion of the fans, it’s people like you that keep that magic feeling, that sparked our interest in the first place, alive.


Speaking from experience, Zooz products have been very poor quality for me and not worth the trouble. I put those switches all throughout my house and now I’m having to replace them, one by one, to due to random failures or unreliable performance. I used a Zooz switch for an outdoor outlet (switch was indoors) and the thing stopped working but support wouldn’t do anything because it’s not a light, it’s going to an outlet. I supported them during their initial product launch, warrantied a lot of switches which helped their R&D, but customer support has 0 sympathy for me now that the warranty is over (they even disregarded the extended warranty they promised me). After all the work I’ve had to do tearing my outlets apart to replace their switches, it’s just not worth it. I wish I would’ve gone with a more expensive brand the first time, I would have saved a lot. If it’s not too late, I recommend looking beyond them.


Hadn’t seen this before, and it’s for the new album. It’s great to hear her vocal technique in a natural recording.


Perfect song


Snowflake generation strikes again! Back in my day we were tough enough to resist lead poisoning.
