Always correlated it with a stroke, but yeah could be many things. Stokes use the acronym “Fast” for quick recognition.
Face- Drooping/Sagging, muscular slack
Arms - hold up arms if one falls…
Speech - Slurring, inability to speak properly
Time - contact emergency services immediately, as that person doesn’t have time
How could your net worth be -700k do to a mortgage, wouldn’t the asset offset the debt, so unless you owed 700k on a house post it being repossessed the $x house would be net zero or positive in most situations when you purchase, unless the house devalues faster than the rate at which you pay it off?
It is information provided to the instance runners, mods, and other fedeverse platforms such as mastodon. It inherently tracks such to know if a user has previously liked/up voted an entry.
So you may have a conversation on here, and some users will know who is downvoting, some will only know who’s upcoming, and some will know none
I disagree with the decrease in discussion quality. Votes inherently create echo chambers. We have low effort conversations where we all downvote someone whose opinion is different and it makes them feel whatever kind of way, and they act accordingly. Whether it be leave, lash out, or discuss. If it wasn’t built in and someone wouldn’t already know I would say it is a bad idea, but since it will exist, making it so people learn to be civil is probably best.
That and the whole if someone says no and you continue… You are now harassing someone. Those are the people that give a bad wrap to so many people. No means no. If you don’t mean no, don’t say it, or message them later saying you were nervous or some shit and just reacted out of fear. But it is on them once they said no. They shut the door. You don’t keep knocking and trying to kick it in and expect to not be considered a threat.