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152 posts • 266 comments
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I don’t actively discourage people from posting because I don’t find their opinion is good enough to post

Like do you want me to just not moderate so people post porn and racist shit? Because I could just not and that is what you’re going to get

I am talking about the kind of commenters who actively go out of their way to put an OP down deciding that somebody can’t post their opinion of something because it isn’t infuriating enough

The point is everyone has different thresholds of what one person finds infuriating, I expressed what doesn’t infuriate me but I haven’t actively gone a crusade to remove posts because I don’t personally find them infuriating

The modlog is fully transparent you can see for yourself what content is removed and why

I suppose you just don’t want people to moderate? I do this as a volunteer because nobody else wants too. As it turns out few people really want the responsibility of doing this shit, it’s thankless and not for everyone

The amount of false reports I see for things that aren’t a criteria to be removed people just do it because they don’t like what was said

Those silently responding are doing exactly what I said I find infuriating, because something doesn’t infuriate them rather than just move on and find another post they are actively down voting, creating a hostile environment for people who want to join the community but haven’t yet because of how hostile it can be, it’s elitest behaviour and not constructive

5 points

VIT - 1

INT - 0

STR - 0

DEX - 10

CON - 1

CHA - 0


Then cursing yourself. You’ve put it in your hard drive somewhere… You’d hope it was in my documents but because you were half way through another project at the time it is highly likely it was within that other project you were working on and you can’t remember what that is


Glad we’re getting this instead of keeping the dim colour scheme that literally costs nothing. Seems like a real good use of funds from a failing business


This comment thread is on fire, there are interesting discussions going on but most of it is getting to be to vitriolic for my tastes.

Locking this shit down. We’re here for the memes… Not whatever the fuck is going on down here.

For those here for the drama, scroll back up. There is no salvation here!


Asfasdasaad.png image1.png image2.png asdfad.txt asdfasww.txt changename.psd

New_text_document.txt New_text_documentsfs.txt

This a scatter shot. Might have personally attacked everyone with this lol


Your argument of semantics is not constructive to this conversation. You absolutely know what I am talking about yet you continue

Spam is spam. The definition fits whether you like it or not I am not discussing it further.

We are arguing over the proper use of this site. When I say site what I mean is platform and you know that. You’re just arguing about that again for the sake of it. Again, not constructive. Frankly it’s obnoxious

When promoted to me by the site admins it’s always encouraged to subscribe to communities. Why is it there if you people aren’t supposed to use it? Why should I be forced into seeing posts from a user whose only purpose is to spam content. If all they are doing is reposting the same content over and over . What good is it for me to block multiple communities because of a single user? You’re bringing a tank to a knife fight. Then that restricts me from seeing posts from an entire community based on the actions of a single individual. Whereas blocking 1 person only stops me from seeing their posts. Oh well, who cares. If a user doesn’t want to see someone’s posts they can block them if they want too. They are well within their rights to do so.

Why do I have to deal with the inconvenience of seeing the same post because someone doesn’t have good etiquette when using the website?

You missed some pretty key details about how constantly posting the same post hinders it getting proper engagement. I know this shit, I have browsed this place long enough to understand that pretty well.

You are arguing a different purpose for communities. My idea of the purpose of communities is having them as individual spaces. I have no issues if someone makes a LemmyShitpost or a Mildly Infuriating on another instance. That doesn’t bother me. The two communities can co-exist. It’s especially useful if it’s a case of two communities instances being defederated so allowing the posts to be seen by as many people as possible.

People are actively telling you they do not like posts being spammed across multiple communities. That is lowering the quality of content here on Lemmy. Which makes Lemmy a worse platform than alternative places. Whilst well intended it isn’t a viable strategy. Not for keeping people happy.

It just clogs up the All feed with the same post making any other posts hidden. This is not a good thing. It reflects poorly on this platform.

Imagine if today everyone decided I am going to post an article to every news community across all instances. That would get pretty chaotic pretty fast, but I guess that’s not spam to you is it?

Anyway. I am ending my discussion with you here. I have said what I needed to say. I made my points pretty clear where I stand on this.


this in the form of my file naming scheme. I know it fucks me over later. Yet I still do it


Don’t meet your heroes


This comment is mildly infuriating. It definitely fits the community
