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You have no clue how the GPLv3 works, nor U.S. Copyright law. Please stop pretending like you do.


You haven’t addressed :

“it’s still on the Google play store and Apple app store and actively developed so why doesn’t Nintendo keep coming?”


“Also, Churches are non-profit, KDE Community are non-profit, Gnome is non-profit, FSF is non-profit, and so on. All of which collect donations. What makes an emulator start-up company any different in this regard?”

Go ahead and block me, it just makes it obvious that you’re afraid to address the main point.


Then why hasn’t Nintendo fallowed through and killed Dolphin yet? If it’s illegal, then why haven’t they continued trying to sue Dolphin?


You’re asking the wrong question.
The question is where was the lawsuit filed?

“Nintendo of America filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court, District of Rhode Island, against Tropic Haze LLC, the developer of the “Yuzu” emulator.”


I just find it funny how even after countless people repeatedly asking him to show solid proof of Yuzu illegally distributing encryption keys the best he could come up with is some random ass user on Twitter saying the same bs claims without any proof; Twitter, a platform that’s totally not over 50% bot’s and a totally reputable source of information, just the peak of human intelligence over there 🙄.


Again, factually wrong. Dolphin removed itself off the steam store to satisfy Nintendo, however it’s still on the Google play store and Apple app store and actively developed so why doesn’t Nintendo keep coming?
Also, Churches are non-profit, KDE Community are non-profit, Gnome is non-profit, FSF is non-profit, and so on. All of which collect donations. What makes an emulator start-up company any different in this regard?


Not to mention :
Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. v. Cyberhead (2002)
Bleem, LLC v. Sony (2001)
Bleem, LLC v. Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. (2000)
Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. vs. Connectix Corporation (2000)
Sega Enterprises Ltd. v. Accolade, Inc. (1992)
Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc. v. Nintendo of America, Inc. (1992)
Atari Games Corp. v. Nintendo of America Inc. (1992)


I’ve been digging into the thread using nitter and all I see is a few screenshots of allegedly “GoldenX86_64” talking some crap about a “stash” then further searching found more screenshots with conflicting information and saying unproven crap about Ryujinx. Notice how neither of them show user ID so it’s impossible to verify that either of them are the real GoldenX86_64, I can literally fake this shit myself using a private server.
More over, GoldenX86_64 wasn’t even a Yuzu team member despite the headliner claims, they were a 3rd party contributor and nothing more. How do I know this? Because their Github account is right here with all of its history. Literally, just use git log & git blame.
Also, I find it funny how nobody making these claims thought for a second to show any proof that these are the same person via user ID or other methods, when it took me less than 5 minutes to find the real GoldenX86_64’s personal email & legal name.
Lastly, using Wayback to view the now deleted source of these claims (which is suspect as hell), you’ll notice discrepancies such as “Files Owned by dysonshere.com” as well as many other mentions of dysonshere.com so… WHO IS DYSONSHERE ??, as you see can it was registered in 2022-12-31.
You expect me to believe that the devs were using this so-called “stash” for a project that started in 2013? When this “stash” was registered literally a little less than 10 years later? You can’t be fucking serious. 🤦🏽‍♀️
More over there’s no proof that Yuzu owned this domain either, therefore even if they used this “stash” which is unproven, the DMCA requires that Yuzu be the one facilitating distribution, therefore users and 3rd party contributors sharing a link on discord to a 3rd party “stash” doesn’t qualify. More over, it’s additionally important to note, that the use of ROMs for emulator testing doesn’t qualify as copyright infringement as the copyright content regardless if dumped from legitimate hardware with legal homebrew tools or otherwise isn’t included in the source. So as the DMCA requires them to be the distributors via the ROMs or via the source, which they don’t meet, they don’t qualify. The only legal stance that could possibly be stood on would be if they were using the SDK, which is again, unproven.

Oh, and one more thing. Why the fuck would the devs have PORN in their alleged “dev stash” ??

The math is just not mathing.

As per US law, Nintendo needs to prove beyond a responsible doubt that Yuzu infringed on their copyright. While all these allegation look bad, there are big gaping holes.
If this is all Nintendo had the case would no doubt go to Yuzu. Assuming they could possibly survive the court fees and multi year lawsuit(s) Nintendo is going to drag them though. It doesn’t matter anyway, it was settled out of court so in the end Yuzu still won and didn’t go bankrupt in the process, as the law stays unchanged and GPLv3 does it’s thing. 💾🔬👾👩🏽‍💻💡


When you port BSD tools to Linux…


I shall welcome the Linux sisters.
