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There’s a really wide range of opinions on what animals 5.56 is ethical for. I’m not gonna say they’re all valid, but this opinion this person shared is an opinion people have.


Dude, don’t. This took 2 seconds to find. There’s more that I’m aware of just from memory too. Also, the white guys thing.

Individual counter examples do not negate trend lines and you know it. I’ll try to come back later when I’m on my computer and link a few government reports that clearly demonstrate the mass shooter phenomenon as we know it properly started in the 90s. I don’t have the documents on my phone and I don’t remember the titles so I can’t Google them.

I don’t consider fixing systemic issues in society to be a cop-out. I genuinely want to do all of those changes and more. There’s plenty of people who would consider suggesting gun law reform a cop-out, since it’s equally as unlikely to pass. Biden just suggested we bring back the assault weapons ban for the 70th time in his presidency (that’s the actual number), so you can judge how well that’s going.


Oh, no, it’s not that I don’t believe you. Just sounds like there’s different opinions within the military on the usefulness of burst fire.

The M1a Springfield uses a totally different manual of arms than the M4/M16, especially when you fix the magazine.

If we’re trying to square the 2nd amendment with reducing mass shootings (a very small but spectacular number of gun deaths) everything you listed would improve the situation slightly and there’s little reason why we shouldn’t have them. I’d throw in a storage requirement requiring guns and ammo be kept behind a lock. But mass shootings are much more of a social phenomenon than anything else. We’ve had access to capable guns for a very long time and mass shootings only became a thing in the 90s. That is, it’s not inherit to humanity, it’s cultural. (This should be further evidenced by the fact that they’re all done by white guys.)

Now, that sounds like a cop-out, but it’s not. It’s saying that we know we can have a society with guns and without mass shootings because we used to have exactly that. Well, what did we have then that we don’t have now? Lower inequality, higher union representation, more accessible housing, less media saturation, higher minimum wage, fewer monopolies, etc. I would suggest reading Angry White Men by Michael Kimmel to get an idea of the kind of person and situation that produces mass shootings. There’s a racial component to it that won’t (and shouldn’t) change, but so much about our economic and social situation can change to get rid of mass shootings. Heck, even just Medicare for All would have a big impact, since it would make counseling free and accessible. Plus, all these social changes would have an even bigger impact in the other major areas of gun deaths, murders and suicides.


Logo-phonetic script (Chinese) is a bitch to learn and impossible to type. There were efforts to come up with a native Chinese keyboard and they all failed. The just use an English keyboard and spell phonetically through a conversion layer. Plus, alphabets, abjads, and syllabaries make it possible to recognize a word you’ve never seen before. I’m not an expert in this area though, I just know some words most people don’t.


I can sympathize with him and also wish him dead. Although from a strictly political strategy standing I wish he had merely lost his vision so that he’d lose the ability to win the presidency without becoming a dead saint to the Republican voters. That bullet that hit his ear had a good chance of taking out his visual cortex if he hadn’t have looked over.


I use the Sony A7iii and have essentially zero complaints. Maybe the A7iv would have been nicer to get the fully articulating screen, but it hasn’t been a significant limitation. I got the Sigma 60-600 for birds and wildlife and then I use old SLR lenses when I’m taking fun photos that don’t need autofocus. I will eventually get the Tamron 35-150 for indoor sports. The Sony ecosystem is great with the huge selection of lenses, and while I don’t like that third party lenses are limited to 15 frames per second, it’s not as bad as Cannon’s policy.


He is actually a very good scientist as far as I can tell, but that thumbnail was too funny not to post and I bet he did is on purpose.


The first set of Dave’s trans jokes included him basically saying that while he doesn’t understand trans people, he ultimately accepts them for who they are. In that era I defended the jokes because I felt it was valid to joke about stuff as long as you ultimately aren’t trying to hurt, belittle, or delegitimize ordinary people. The follow-up jokes weren’t nearly as understanding and I no longer felt like Dave cared about much beyond being a dick. He seemed to double down on the punching down without bothering to build them back up again.

Anyway, there is a fundamental difference with Trump, in that he’s downright a fascist, so joking about his death isn’t exactly punching down. It’s more like wishful thinking.


Aight, I’ve been told different from other folks who have deployed.

Anyway, this conversation is way off the rails. The point being that, if you consider the original intent of the 2nd amendment to be the only thing protecting a citizen’s access to firearms, it would be much more correct to say the standard issue rifle would be the most protected firearm than any other.


So I have limitations with videos, but the argument that capturing carbon is costs more energy than it took to put into the air is valid as long as we’re still dumping carbon in the air. But, we have to stop putting carbon in the air and we have to start taking it out again.
