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Checking in, DT fam. Hope you’re all well.


Well, yah Llab has levelled up in the migraine game. Forced ED visit was a first.

Feeling human at this point, highly underrated.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to people who made drugs.


Annnnddddd, it’s happened again.

Why have people decided to sit right next to me in a near empty waiting room? And the chairs right next to me? Leave a space damnit!

I do not understand. If this is my superpower, please take it away. 😭🤣


Seagoon , you’ve really been holding the fort with the DDTs.

Thank you! 🖤


No air-con + sleeping in the lounge gang here.

Really felt my holiday was just starting the other day and now I’m back and have sads. Well at least I can tick off some major sightseeing off my list. Was surprised, but the Vatican City for art was definitely one of my favourites. Paid an obnoxious amount for a tour, but it was worth it just to get in a little bit earlier. Tourists are rabid, even in Winter.


Been so meh these last couple of weeks. The same again today after work. It’s like… I don’t know… I just want to do nothing.

But… pulled my finger out for self-care Thursdays which has been hit and miss, but a good hit today. Still loving on the Aesop scrub I mentioned I while back. I’ve cleansed, scrubbed and put a face mask on. (I fully look like such a weirdo, my face is kind of bank robber material right now… 🤣)

So while I’m sitting here basting my face, a curious q (as I do), has anyone read any books or have any book recommendations for people who a) suck at meditation b) really struggle with positive affirmations and the like… (like find it [the language] a bit ick?). You know, for an eternal pessimist with a broken anterior cingulate.


Still feeling wrecked. Am kind of wondering whether it’s related to (an unpleasant road related incident)


an accident yesterday. I was riding home and had to u-turn as there had been accident involving a motorcyclist just several minutes before. I didn’t see anything, but I saw the bobbing of a head and I knew they were desperately doing CPR. A witness said they’d been trying for 5 mins and didn’t know when the ambulance would arrive. They were on the way when I was riding back in the opposite direction. The news reported that he died at the scene. I’m trying not to think about it, but it’s hard since I ride there almost weekly. I mean, I know that it can happen anywhere, but most people on the weekends are sort of chill. It is a winding 60km that increases to 80km, but most people on the weekends take it pretty easy. Hell, I rode Black Spur yesterday and one of the drivers was literally driving half the speed limit. sigh Just that constant reminder of life.

Sorry, just needed to offload it.

Edit: Oh no. The spoiler isn’t working on mobile? I’m so sorry. 😔


Ya Llab here, rolled out of bed with enthusiasm to find we have no water… 🤬 Got notice for when they were supposed to fix whatever it is the other day then they didn’t bother to inform everyone they couldn’t fix it.

I have officially sponged in a bottle of soda water. 😂

Also I have the grumps because it’s completely thrown out my day…

Ah well, might just have to go for a ride. 😈


Bacon’s doc is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oMhrX4Pal2el0Km6l_1C_INnqUCpr_E-L0NPYyYb49o/htmlview#gid=0

You can edit without needing to login/signup. 💪🏻

Edit: Also dumblederp, way to go on the names! I recognise a bunch, but wouldn’t remember them off the top of my head.


Shoutout to the headache gang. I had a joyful one at work and it’s still kind of lingering. So frustrating. Alas, I’m an uncool kid, so no tacos for me this Tuesday. It’s pasta, cheesy garlic bread and whatever else I can wrangle. I’ve also been cheeky with my chocolate cookie and chocolate bar this evening. You know, dessert before dinner.

How is everyone?
