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I was taught as a child to open plain envelopes first. Checks, credit cards, and other important stuff are put in boring envelopes.

I worked for a CC company and when we mailed checks to customers we told them “This check will come in a plain white envelope.” And the amount of people who thank me for letting them know because they might have thrown it away.


I went to a small concert and you could buy their music on a flash drive. That was awesome. I like that option

At a anime convention there was a table with various CDs of the band playing that night. I couldn’t go to concert, but bought a CD to support them even though it was going to be a slight inconvenience to rip it. I still have all my old CDs (I don’t really have that much so haven’t gotten rid of them. I keep them in a plastic container) so just put it with the rest.


Even if you are paying for a product, you may be another income stream. You pay for a smart watch/home assistant/email/VPN and they use your data. Not all but enough people need to be aware of. Sadly It’s pretty much now deciding on who gets your data. Or trusting that they really are not taking your data, trust them, they say they are not!


PT is evidence based, chiropracty is woo. PT goal is to get you better and stop PT or teach you how to do it on your own. Chiropractors want you to come back for the rest of your life.


Learning a second language hasn’t made me think English is broken. I already thought English was messed up but know a little of it’s history so have a general idea why. Learning Spanish means learning the flaws of a second language. I thinking all languages are flawed, but English just goes the extra mile.


I had that last night. I went to finally watch Pluto, which I read the manga and seen the first episode before so knew I was love it, but when I started it I was like “Can I speed this up?” Which wouldn’t have made it as good. " Do I have time for this? I could be doing something else?" When I had did some chores and didn’t have anything the next day just for this. Once I was into it, I had a hard time stopping, but had to because I was too tired to appreciate it.

I think I been consuming media that not very important to me and that I don’t have to pay close attention that I normalize that. When years ago I use to purposely consume a big chunk of media. So the opposite of what I do now. Making setting aside time and focusing hard to do.



It’s going to be a effort or significant cost or both to get rid of it

Laser hair removal. You can get it done professionally or buy a at home device. If buy an at home make sure it’s safe to use on your face and near your eyes. I have an at home and it works and it takes years to get rid of all the hair in an area. I got rid of the hair on my feet still working on my lower legs.

I also use a brand of hair inhibitor called Completely Bare. It a lotion. I use on my upper face like between my eyebrows. You pluck the hair out and rub in the lotion. Not as good as laser but I’m not going to buy a laser removal device just to use in that area.

Laser hair removal works best on dark hair and light skin, but the tech has gotten better over the years so if you are not that see if there stuff out there that may work for you. If you buy a laser hair machine find out how much replacement cartridge are. It’s better to pay more for a machine if the cartilage are cheaper. Also read the warnings so you don’t burn yourself.


Years ago when I use to go Anime News Network daily I would click on some ads because they only allowed relevant ads and found some great sites to buy anime stuff from. Yesterday I clicked on an ad for a Kickstarter because I was curious. I’ve clicked on ads and rarely I end up buying stuff, but have bought after I verified it was a legit site, but mostly I clicked on ads out of curiosity because it a cool design or idea. Ads are not inherently bad. The pervasiveness, intrusiveness, and scams are the problems. When ads were a banner at the top of a page and were relevant to the site they were ok. I miss those. I won’t purposely click on pop up or over ads or in between paragraphs ads, but I do sometimes click on obviously ads that are not aggressive that are interesting.


Microwave plate cover. Don’t have to clean the microwave as often. No wasting saran wrap or trying to use a plate as a cover. I was living with my parents a long time ago when I first heard about these and had to get one. My Dad made fun of it at first but he then admitted how useful it was.
