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If anyone can be a mod…would that not mean I become a mod, I remove you, anyone can be a mod, so you become a mod, you remove me, and then the last person standing is whomever finds this as a dead community years from now after everyone gets bored?


THIS is what they’re using their missles for???

For a moment, lets forget the morality of it for just a moment. Because I don’t think anyone would argue that this is a bitch move on russias part, and we all empathise with Ukraine. Nobody is saying this was morally right. So for a moment lets forget the moral side of this.

Is this even a good use of their weapons? One missle in exchange for 29 deaths? And none of them are millitary, nor would they have become military any time soon.

I feel like you could send one guy with a machine gun, and take out 29 guys from the military if you planned it right.

From my understanding, russia has limited missles, and THIS is what they’re doing??? This doesn’t help them in any way. Plus as we saw in Vietnam, bombing cities of civilians as an invader doesn’t break the country you’re invading, it motivates people into joining the military.

So you just killed 29 kids, and I assume partially destroyed a hospital. That probably motivated 2,000 more young adults to fight.

Is russia stupid? Or are they bad at aiming? Is there anything else in the region that could have benefitted them more by hitting? Maybe a military barracks? Maybe a staging ground?

Because I can’t think of one single smart reason to target a hospital with a missle, for how much they cost, and how back and forth this war is.

Either way, fuck russia.


Forth thought: did you find the hidden spider???


Well. A year ago I was living with my dad, because he’s a broken down old man, and needs help. But he refused help on so many occasions. I’d have to work all the time, to the point where I was never home. But dad wouldn’t clean his house. He wouldn’t do anything for himself. Eventually it went from “wouldn’t” to “couldn’t”. I’d be gone from 16-18 hours a day, get home, go to sleep, wake up, do it again, 6 days a week. He’s completely retired, and could have cleaned after himself at any time. He didn’t. Then he suffered health issues. Now he couldn’t even stand.

I’d come home sometimes and find him on the bathroom floor.

He wouldn’t let me hire a maid. He wouldn’t let me hire an assistant. He wouldn’t accept any help. And the house suffered. It got bad. Real bad. One year I started noticing mice. And then one day I saw a rat. The house was literally rotting, and I could only do so much on 1 day off a week.

What nobody knew was that I had been suffering physically. I thought it was just me getting older. I’m overweight, but I’ve always been a very mobile big man. But now I was getting winded going up stairs. I figured “I’m getting older. It’s normal.”

With me never being home I was eating a lot of fast food. I ballooned up real big real fast. I figured “I have a shitty diet. Of coarse I’m getting fatter. It’s normal.”

Then I’d get tired doing simple things. I figured “Well, I’m fat now. Fat people get winded. It’s normal.”

Then one Christmas I’m at my sisters house, and I’m getting real tired doing nothing.

I figured “I’ve been pushing myself to the limit to pay for dad, and pay for me. My body wants rest. It’s normal.”

Then my other sister said “You don’t look good. You need to go to a doctor.”

And the thing is, my sister can be a bit of a drama queen. I figured “it’s fine”.

Then 3 months later, I pulled my back. My body finally broke down. So I go to the hospital, and the woman says the same thing my sister did. That I looked pale. Which I figured was normal since I’m never in the sun. I wear hoodies in the summer to avoid sun exposure. Being pale was normal, I thought.

The nurse says “Well, I’d like to take a blood sample”. In my own mind I’m rolling my eyes, like “yeah, sure, knock yourself out. Waste your own time”. Although outwardly I just said “ok”, and wasn’t sarcastic. Just internally was I dismissive.

She comes back an hour later, and asks how I got into the hospital that day. I said “I took 2 buses, and walked across the street.”

She said “No you didn’t.” And NOW I’m getting maybe a bit more frustrated outwardly, because how are you going to tell ME how I got here???

I said “Yeah. I did. Do you want to see my bus pass?”

And she says “Well, based on your blood sample, you have a blood count of 4.7. To put that in perspective, a male of your age has between 15-18. Essentially, you’re so low on blood, that you should have passed out and died at any time long before you hot here. Doing ANY physically active activity.”

Then she asked me what I do for a living, and I said “I push wheelchairs. Usually two at a time.”

And she said there’s no way my blood just dropped that low recently without a major incident. That I must have been losing blood slowly, over weeks, months, or maybe years. She said that at any point with the way I was working myself, I could have passed out and died at any time doing that.

She hooked me up to a bag of blood. Then took a blood test. She said “we’re going to hook you into a second bag.” Then after that, another blood test. THIRD bag of blood. Another blood test. She said I was still very very low on blood, but they weren’t allowed to put any more in me. So I was going to have to stay the night.

Stay the night, in the morning, different nurse, 2 more bags of blood. STILL very low. So now we’re doing every test they have to figure out why I’m so low on blood.

I end up staying for 4 days in the hospital. I don’t have news. They don’t have news. They’re running every test they got.

Then finally, on the 5th day, a doctor comes in and tells me I have cancer. I walked in for what I assumed would be a back patch, and a doctors note to miss work, and come to find out a strained back was the least of my worries. Now I’m getting hooked up to chemo, being told I’d be out of work for 6-12 months.

I’m living in a house filled with rats, with a leaking roof, a father who I sometimes find on the floor at home but I can’t pick him up, stretching myself beyond my limits, being superman for everyone, and all of this has lead to me getting cancer.

And now I have no job, because you can’t be going through cancer, AND still pushing heavy people.

I remember being doped up on surgury drugs and thinking “I have no idea what I’m going to do…”

And I’m not the type to ask for help. I’m the type to help others. Others don’t help me, I help others!

And as I sat there in the hospital bed, doped out of my mind, I thought “How?”

And I couldn’t answer the question of “how do I provide help for my dad?” I don’t know if it was the drugs, or reality crashing down, but I had this scary moment where for the first time in my life things weren’t just bad…they were a disaster.

And thats when I realized I can’t help dad with or without financial help. You can’t help those who want no help. Just as I had scoffed at needing a doctor, he was scoffing at me trying to pay for a roof replacement, and foundational repairs, and extermination services. He won’t let me help.

He won’t let me help. I can’t help him. I can’t put into words how that hit me like a brick wall. The feeling of trying to be the hero, and being powerless to help.

I just laid there, watching the office on TBS, and not absorbing any of it.

The next day, I called my sister to tell her the bad news. By this point the drugs had worn off, and I was more alert. When I told her, she said without a moments notice, and without hesitation, she said "We’re going to pay for you to move out. We’re going to pay your rent. We’re going to pay everything.

It was in that moment I realized, I could do the unhealthy thing, and be stubborn. Or I could go with it, start a new chapter of my life, and accept the help.

I did that. Took a year off work. My 2 sisters and mom split paying my rent for a year. Had major surgery to cut the cancer out. Sat at home for a year.

And now, I’m back to work.

So nice things from the state for covering insurance for me.

Nice things from the state to let me get on food stamps while I had no job.

Nice things from the medical staff from many different nurses and doctors, and everybody else.

Nice things from my family to remove me from a situation that gave me cancer.

Nice things from my boss to hold my position (unpaid) for a year so I didn’t need to find a new job.

Nice things from pretty much all around.

And this is why I keep the attitude of “if you help everyone, that aura will rub off, and the world will be a better place”. I don’t believe in karma per se, but I do believe in people noticing you doing good for those around you.


I know states are legal, but most are “legal in private areas”. Such as, you can smoke at home, but not in public.

You SURE it was legal to smoke at the park?


…you just gonna leave it like that? Just not explain what it was she did? So we’re just leaving everyone in the dark??? Oh. Ok. Cool. Cool. We didn’t need to know anyways…


Man, seeing the title, I thought this was going to turn into an old timey racist joke. You know the kind:

So a Canadian and a Polish walk into a florist shop…

I don’t know what the punchline was going to be, but I figured it was either going to be the kind of funny where you feel bad for laughing, or a disasterous hateful post. Either way, I thought it was going to be like a car crash. You can’t NOT look, ya know?


Hope things will be back to peaceful for you soon

Literally the hour she flies back to Florida.


I only ever played WCW/NWO World Tour

That’s the first of the US released Aki games! It went in order of release:

WCW/NWO World tour

WCW/NWO Revenge

WWF Wrestlemania 2000

WWF No Mercy (considered to this day to be the greatest wrestling game of all time).

I only mentioned them because I had fond memories of couch co-op with my friends. It’s one of those games that started with a starting point (the one you played), and each new game they added more and more content to the new game, while keeping everything from the old game.

I was just hoping with your son getting that appriciation for anticipating a new game, that you could start him with the first game, and end with the 4th.

But it’s one of those games that new people tend to struggle with, due to not holding your hand at ALL. It was just assumed you knew what you were doing…and the fighting system is sooooo complex, yet simple once you “get it”.

Short tap A, weak grapple. Long hold A, strong grapple.

Same with B and punches.

You CAN try to just so strong punches, and strong grapples, but if your opponent hasn’t been weakened they’re likely to reverse. They MIGHT still reverse a weak punch or grapple too, but they need much more precise button timing. The worse they’re beaten up, the harder it is to reverse. And eventually you might land a strong punch or grapple. You can taunt to raise your spirit meter. Your spirit meter also raises as you do well in a match, or lower if you do worse.

Throw your opponent down and do a short taunt before he gets up to stop your taunt, and you get an instant small boost in spirit. Do a long uninterupted taunt, and get a big boost in spirit.

But if you attempt a taunt, you leave yourself open to an easy attack against you, and if that happens you lose spirit proportional to what you were attempting to gain.

Its a very balanced game where every action has an appropriate reaction. It’s up to you to time those actions, and choose what you think you can get away with.

It’s such a weird game that an experienced player vs a rookie will result in an unfun lopsided match. But evenly matched players might have 1 match last an hour.


Nothing. Next week my sister gets into town, and she’s the definition of what a Karen is. I used to think some of her behaviors were depression based, or mental illness, but she proved over this past year that she just gets off on creating drama, and watching others suffer because of her drama.

A good example is, we went out to dinner a year ago. She picked the resteraunt, because nobody else cared where we eat. When she realized she wasn’t going to get any blowback from that, she decided to order the fish. She at no point asked what type of fish. She never asked when it was caught, or how it was served. She did nothing of the sort.

So she gets her fish, and then complains that it was a previously frozen fish, and cooked from a frozen state. It was December. We live in Cleveland, which other than a Lake, is right on the border of Canada. In DECEMBER.

My sister then begins berating the server who brought her the fish, saying she’s not doing her job, and she should be embarassed to serve frozen fish. To be clear, the fish wasn’t served to her frozen. It had just been frozen at one point prior to serving it to her. BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING DECEMBER, AND NOBODY CATCHES FISH IN LAKE ERIE IN DECEMBER!!! They catch the fish in the spring, and summer, maybe even the fall. Before the lake freezes. They freeze the excess, and serve it if you order it. That’s just how life works.

She’s yelling and screaming, demanding the server take it back, and prepare her something worthy instead.

Meanwhile, our entire family is just heads in their hands embarassed by her behavior.

After being told that she can have them prepare something else instead, but she’ll still be charged for the fish, she became enraged, threw a $100 bill on the table and said “I’M NOT TAKING THIS!!!” and left. The rest of us had just gotten our meals. She expected us to storm out with her. We did not. We sat there, watched her get into her car, and watched her drive off. Then we appologized for her behavior.

When she came into my apartment, I had spent weeks deep cleaning it just so I wouldn’t have to hear her run her mouth. She found a few specks of dirt on the counter, and drippings on a drip tray inside my convection oven. She has not, to this day, shut the fuck up about it. She even sent my other sister to drop things off with me, and told my other sister “Take pictures of inside his apartment! I want to see if he’s cleaning it”. My sister told me what she was told to do, and said “I’m not doing that. If she wants to come see it, she can come up here herself.”

That was 3 weeks ago, and so now she IS flying up to see for herself. Tomorrow I’m scheduling a colonoscopy for the day she’s in town. Just to have an excuse to tell her I’m busy.
