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Judging by the text of your post alone, you’re bilingual.

Had you not said that English wasn’t your first language, I, a native English speaker, would never have know.


Ah, dammit. Yeah, that was a typo :).


In the red corner, hailing from Colorado and standing at five foot six, louder than a 12-gauge, dumber than a whole box of Facebook marketplace rifle suppressors masquerading as fuel filters; she’ll knock your socks off just so her husband can sniff your feet (but only if you’re under 16); the undeniably uneducated; universally unloved… Lauren “Ppppppplaaaaan B” Booooooooooebert.

In the other red corner, all the way from god-knows-where-and-we-wish-she’d-go-back-already; she’s got on more makeup than a dumpster full of Sephora customer returns; she’s been evicted from every trailer park in the greater Dalton metro area; the immortal god-Queen of the international association of Karens; Marjorie Taylor “White Trash Barbie” Grrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeen!


Want more rage? In my community in East Tennessee, I don’t have municipal fire service.

There’s a private for-profit fire department that “serves” me. I have to pay a yearly subscription fee to them. Granted, it’s not expensive, but it’s the principle - Why the fuck do I have to pay for something that, everywhere else, is covered by taxes?

Now… I can choose not to pay the subscription fee. And that’s fine. If I have a fire or need to be cut out of a car, they’ll still respond and still do whatever needs doing. But then they send a bill for $2000 per hour per apparatus that responds to the call, billed from the moment they leave the station to when they pull back in. So if I have a car wreck and the car catches fire, I can expect a bill for $2000/hour for each of a rescue truck, a pump truck, and a tank truck, assuming they don’t send two rescue trucks for some reason.

That’s $6000/hr, and they scene may be active for two or three hours. That’s $12,000 - $18,000 dollars BEFORE we even start talking about our garbage predatory healthcare system. Do I need an airlift to the trauma center? Whoa buddy… That’s a minimum of $20,000 before they even start the engine on the damned thing. Plus, the helicopter doesn’t take off from accident scene, so I’ll need ambulance transport to the aircraft LZ, so that’s another $2,000. But it’s okay, because the air evac company has a subscription plan too, and as long as I pay them my protection money every year, they won’t ruin my life if I have an accident.

I’m SOO FUCKING TIRED of this shithole profit-driven country.


I mean… everything is like that here. I don’t even have municipal trash service. I have to a pay a dude in a converted pickup truck to come collect my trash and take it to the dump once a week, and that works out cheaper than taking it to the dump myself because I have to pay to use the dump. Nope, not included in taxes. It’s $25 for up to 500lbs for each visit, but the dude in the pickup truck gets that economy of scale, so paying him $22/mo works out much cheaper for me.

Our roads are covered in potholes, fire service isn’t included, the schools are garbage and the teachers have to buy most of their own supplies out of their own money, the homeless problem is out of control, the opioid epidemic is killing people left and right, the power goes out any time the wind blows too hard, our police don’t even bother to respond to anything but violent crime anymore and even then they usually just make the problem worse…

…but Randy fucking Boyd can build an unnecessary stadium downtown and get the taxpayers to foot the bill so he doesn’t have to pay for it, but he still gets to keep the profits off of it, and Marsha goddamned Blackburn can go on TV and bitch about Hunter Biden snorting cocaine off a porn-filled laptop or something.

I’m just so goddamned tired of it all. My wife and I have agreed that the instant she finishes school, we’re expatriating.


I’m a full time senior PHP/JS developer.

PHP has a bad rap because of a few factors.

1, as you said, it’s accessible. It’s a very easy language to learn with a simple syntax and a simple tool chain. So often, it’s a dev’s first language. PHP holds your hand a little bit, but for the most part, security is on the developer, and when a dev doesn’t know any better, bad practices like interpolating values directly into your sql query seem like an easy way to get the job done, but at the hidden cost of opening up SQL injection vulnerabilities. But I’ve seen the same thing happen in Python code, so that’s not really a PHP problem so much as an education problem.

2, earlier versions of PHP were, in a word, shit. They were rife with inconsistencies, poor structure, half-baked features, and it all ran like dogshit. Even today, there’s still some contention in the PHP world about whether to fix the inconsistencies or not, because so much legacy code would fall apart if they did. PHP <= 4 was a goddamned dumpster fire. 5 was MARGINALLY better and brought in proper OOP. 6 literally didn’t exist for various reasons. 7 was actually getting pretty good, now with optional static typing. 8 is BANGIN’. It’s fast, easy to work with, has a great feature set, and a huge community.

3, it’s a big player. When you’re a huge player, you’re also a huge target. Wordpress is one of the most prolific web apps in existence, and it’s PHP based. Being huge, many more people are writing (shit) code for it, and many more (shit) people are trying to break it. Of course software that’s run on more servers is gonna be attacked more. It’s just numbers.

TBH, today, working in both languages extensively, I’d gladly take a PHP based web app over a NodeJS based web app. Don’t get me wrong, I love node for what it is and the paycheck I get, but JS is a goddamned dumpster fire of a half-baked language.

So tldr, don’t fear the PHP. As long as your software was written by somebody who knows their aaS from a hole in the ground, you’ll be fine.


Didn’t realize that was a big bug. I’ve noticed that if I drag up from the bottom of the screen a little, like I’m pulling up the list of running apps, but then drag back down without actually opening the list; just enough that the app STARTS to shrink, but before the apps display; it unfreezes.


Most of your points are valid, except this one:

They suck to drive, so enthusiats don’t want them.

Want to know how I know you’ve never driven an EV? You’re just 100% wrong here.

Ive been researching and preparing to buy an EV for a while, so I’ve driven a few, and every single one absolutely blew ICE cars away in terms of acceleration, power, control, and raw speed. I’m not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that I nearly blacked out from the acceleration when a Ford sales guy floored an F150 lightning from a dead stop to show me how powerful it was. Clearly a career as a fighter pilot is out for me.

Tesla, Kia, Hyundai… every one has had incredible acceleration with zero transmission hesitation - because they don’t have one. It’s just raw torque from the top of the pedal to the bottom.


At my high school, the administration banned the color and word “fuchsia” (kind of a purple-ish, pink-ish color).

For some reason, the senior class (year 12, the class one year above me at the time) had become obsessed with the color/word. They had taken to wearing fuchsia shirts with the word “fuchsia” on them. On a given day, you’d likely see a few dozen of these shirts roaming the halls with students inside them.

The ban came because, allegedly, somebody had made up a story about a Mexican hooker named “Fuchsia” (because that’s a Spanish name, right?) that was the supposed inspiration of the color craze.

So naturally, the admins banned the color and any mention of the word. Using the word “fuchsia” in any context, or wearing the color in any way was three days in in-school-suspension (during-the-day detention where you sat in a cubicle with literally nothing to do - you weren’t allowed to read, no schoolwork, or anything — just stare at the wall for 8 hours). Second offense was a week out of school suspension. Third meant you failed your year and had to repeat the grade.

So, the seniors started wearing other obscure colors with the name printed on the shirt. “Indigo” “Chartreuse” “Vermillion”. Every single one of these colored shirts had the name of the color, and the words “You can’t ban all the colors” underneath.

It was by far the dumbest ass rule I’d ever seen.


I’m gonna go with unsmart.

Our principal got indicted for stealing money from the school. He was swiping cash from the concession stand register.

Know how he got caught? He got busted by the security cameras he authorized the SRO officer to install because… wait for it… money kept disappearing from the concession stand register.

This happened exactly one year after being quoted in the paper saying “Stealing in any form is wrong” after half of our football team was arrested for running a small-time counterfeiting ring.
