LuckingFurker (Any/All)
Any/all pronouns. Lazy agender transfem, also asexual and panromantic(? Or maybe aromantic, basically I’m a mess but I’m trying. Possibly my best, but hopefully not)
Just suck dick to get your jaw workout
And, as it turned out, she got her life together
Why would they fight each other when they could just kiss each other and/or me?
And that’s why I use womens deodorant. Certainly not because I’m trans, goodness no, what are you accusing me of?
It has not been a problem other than they did not like it
That means it was a problem, how can they not see that?
Can’t blame them though, femboys are hot
Are we really going to convince ourselves now that Sony wouldn’t have introduced a subscription at some point? Realistically the only reason Microsoft where the ones to popularise it is because Sony didn’t get there first
I love that my rights as a person are dependent on making a deranged cis woman happy, fucking hate this place
Andre the Giant was far too good for such a despicable business as professional wrestling
No-one said he doesn’t let the homies hit his ass, he’s just saying if he had a pussy they could hit that too